Query Metrics
Database Queries
Different statements
106.33 ms
Query time
Invalid entities
Grouped Statements
Time▼ | Count | Info |
30.57 ms (0.00%) |
1 |
SELECT * FROM customer_device WHERE :token LIKE CONCAT(token,'%') AND `status` = 0
[ "token" => "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE3NDI0MDU4MzgsImV4cCI6MTc0MjQwOTQzOCwicm9sZXMiOlsiUk9MRV9DVVNUT01FUiJdLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFsZWphbmRyb2p1YW44N0Bob3RtYWlsLmNvbSJ9.SsAvr927YH-BoHPMErfp-bd2qdUuscM_v4rEex-rqSuDx-IY8-r6WGRO6mGvZKTtMYb8owR6wUgklIOfka8FYlxs207j8xJkKN13HBzdBuabuR2MUg1HjigFFWnaGHqqPsLXOcKDTKHGGXUjGVS6eJROE5pdO_fPmSwoImxrNhJRLVB69qCQ5JnBqIDj83TXXHTthflCU46YjPTOz4h1qnsOgzkuNtTBPhztT0i5VndopAj8l-d4BAYbuERylWOpScr4PiFohFzG1z6xq7Kn1bTel3QEzcpUXIdBpOfqxbv0vKleHTygZ9GxhCYjpcI9G77_rfHxK1rQWGsrh8dYYrXD8GhoymZTAtgHNLOl0lsZk9fEU6pNzJ1GJZO9aYb-FGH7KQROeDN6ArsFfrR5uGM7OAC9o4CBrKsgHQ55Vdro_Eg9-n1wOfP9yK9uvpiD5NrsYypWobgsEr_7R_JIlPuXM7J_1kBHzjXgAqfRx2fmGKRhxL1zWsu_uGtLweF3l5PSDWW6OFPqlkftYgOowmiJGkeHIfpYcMzjv_kKzDDyvY8WL4utB_w-vCwk4s3EujRor9QgxQhM2mVh1dwbh96QTiqxqW6F9IAvcn8svTtmkPmhDhbbX7VXQsr1npb9p2BHs1Yjh7nb144LSpOOIEz9HcgY2qBziYq5Kmj_ykA" ] |
25.14 ms (0.00%) |
67 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.image AS image_2, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_3 FROM material t0 INNER JOIN exercise_material ON t0.id = exercise_material.material_id WHERE exercise_material.exercise_id = ?
22.20 ms (0.00%) |
67 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.description AS description_3, t0.translatable_id AS translatable_id_4, t0.locale AS locale_5, t0.translatable_id AS translatable_id_6 FROM exercise_translation t0 WHERE t0.translatable_id = ?
20.23 ms (0.00%) |
67 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.created_at AS created_at_2, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_3, t0.note AS note_4, t0.exercise_id AS exercise_id_5 FROM note_exercise t0 WHERE t0.exercise_id = ?
4.84 ms (0.00%) |
11 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.locale AS locale_3, t0.translatable_id AS translatable_id_4 FROM material_translation t0 WHERE t0.translatable_id = ?
1.36 ms (0.00%) |
1 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.email AS email_2, t0.username AS username_3, t0.roles AS roles_4, t0.password AS password_5, t0.plain_password AS plain_password_6, t0.enabled AS enabled_7, t0.name AS name_8, t0.surname AS surname_9, t0.address AS address_10, t0.celular AS celular_11, t0.image AS image_12, t0.created_at AS created_at_13, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_14, t0.country_id AS country_id_15, t0.season_active AS season_active_16, t0.type_account AS type_account_17, t0.is_pro AS is_pro_18, t0.purchase AS purchase_19, t0.purchase_platform AS purchase_platform_20, t0.membership_id AS membership_id_21, t0.coupon_status AS coupon_status_22, t0.phone AS phone_23, t0.google_auth_code AS google_auth_code_24, t0.google_auth_code_verified AS google_auth_code_verified_25, t0.date_of_birth AS date_of_birth_26, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_27, t0.is_deleted AS is_deleted_28, t0.country_id AS country_id_29 FROM customer t0 WHERE t0.email = ? LIMIT 1
1.10 ms (0.00%) |
1 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.image AS image_2, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_3, t0.poster AS poster_4, t0.dificulty AS dificulty_5, t0.intensity AS intensity_6, t0.duration AS duration_7, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_8, t0.category_id AS category_id_9, t0.is_shared AS is_shared_10, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_11, t0.category_id AS category_id_12 FROM exercise t0 WHERE t0.customer_id = ? AND t0.deleted_at IS NULL
0.88 ms (0.00%) |
1 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.year AS year_2, t0.is_active AS is_active_3, t0.team_id AS team_id_4, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_5, t0.country_id AS country_id_6 FROM season t0 WHERE t0.customer_id = ?
Database Connections
Name | Service |
default | doctrine.dbal.default_connection |
Entity Managers
Name | Service |
default | doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager |
Second Level Cache
Second Level Cache is not enabled.
Entities Mapping
Class | Mapping errors |
App\Entity\Customer |
App\Entity\Country | No errors. |
App\Entity\Season | No errors. |
App\Entity\Suggestion | No errors. |
App\Entity\CouponCustomer | No errors. |
App\Entity\Notification | No errors. |
App\Entity\ExerciseQualification |
App\Entity\Strategy | No errors. |
App\Entity\Team |
App\Entity\SeasonPlayer |
App\Entity\Game |
App\Entity\TrainingAsist | No errors. |
App\Entity\ExerciseCalendar |
App\Entity\PlayerJustification | No errors. |
App\Entity\Exercise |
App\Entity\Category | No errors. |
App\Entity\Material | No errors. |
App\Entity\NoteExercise | No errors. |
App\Entity\ExerciseTranslation | No errors. |
App\Entity\ExerciseUser | No errors. |
App\Entity\MaterialTranslation | No errors. |