Query Metrics
Database Queries
Different statements
184.48 ms
Query time
Invalid entities
#▲ | Time | Info |
1 | 31.16 ms |
SELECT * FROM customer_device WHERE :token LIKE CONCAT(token,'%') AND `status` = 0
[ "token" => "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE3MzUyOTQ1NDEsImV4cCI6MTczNTI5ODE0MSwicm9sZXMiOlsiUk9MRV9DVVNUT01FUiJdLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6InRvbWFzX2Jvcmdlc19hcm1hc0Bob3RtYWlsLmNvbSJ9.tVBpBIbkG3xfH9DmamsWefFoFG0SDgZBpwKfBuIThPPiTBe55HP_Z9773wuuqzT6Q2ms0xLJVvTAB4iU66aED3EkV5utCGTnlB6GE7lNTdJcmeBEjKmBabnfEn_-RDx2cvmyGlio7X_v3YjATy-rCqDCCpoOjI0v6GVuco5FG9ia1xw2d-di_tG-PQyODC_ZSU0hXDoH3Z0xNKTqCr8AvrMdw9zNgSdbYOKKwtbuBGowkfGzCFMBVQV9WDh0cUk3mqh8i3f-s6uWSzZozjcjvXfe_xxyK_ER2c5zVuidCzbUxTryU1fzj4cBUROxprRN5JsUiS5yAecIw7sUi-d_RUnUWjqGTUNogjA6MMI_St8f7CllaWBslFPjYOYjLmhqx9a4tQwMjABUmV7gV595XygHw40xJtRamp6D0OZ39vZGLC2lgz9RCJZpl0nYjjc-oC9v8jhUyrHp8qXnPNEnuN-m0wTLQ7SI43Jf5weHe7bdNHf7EoZe6o2-cjxgc4mP9rL-6fKoHijRbOO816dY73MEx5K7y7eH_IEgjG8Nl8kr1z4E1d80IN-zqQyBgsVoA8tnSQdXIjnxF_BZvI2vDv5emzq3L05UbMOWGpwneFpYsLDVrHincenOEr4kzVTiW0qWWHAiLUukpDfKzWt29vmh8sfnhAfm5GwCxX1hJBE" ] |
2 | 3.03 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.email AS email_2, t0.username AS username_3, t0.roles AS roles_4, t0.password AS password_5, t0.plain_password AS plain_password_6, t0.enabled AS enabled_7, t0.name AS name_8, t0.surname AS surname_9, t0.address AS address_10, t0.celular AS celular_11, t0.image AS image_12, t0.created_at AS created_at_13, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_14, t0.country_id AS country_id_15, t0.season_active AS season_active_16, t0.type_account AS type_account_17, t0.is_pro AS is_pro_18, t0.purchase AS purchase_19, t0.purchase_platform AS purchase_platform_20, t0.membership_id AS membership_id_21, t0.coupon_status AS coupon_status_22, t0.phone AS phone_23, t0.google_auth_code AS google_auth_code_24, t0.google_auth_code_verified AS google_auth_code_verified_25, t0.date_of_birth AS date_of_birth_26, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_27, t0.is_deleted AS is_deleted_28, t0.country_id AS country_id_29 FROM customer t0 WHERE t0.email = ? LIMIT 1
3 | 0.86 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.year AS year_2, t0.is_active AS is_active_3, t0.team_id AS team_id_4, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_5, t0.country_id AS country_id_6 FROM season t0 WHERE t0.customer_id = ?
4 | 1.56 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.rival AS rival_2, t0.day AS day_3, t0.date AS date_4, t0.goals AS goals_5, t0.rival_goals AS rival_goals_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_8, t0.shots_goal AS shots_goal_9, t0.shots_opponent AS shots_opponent_10, t0.corners_favor AS corners_favor_11, t0.corners_against AS corners_against_12, t0.penalties_favor AS penalties_favor_13, t0.penalties_against AS penalties_against_14, t0.fouls_favor AS fouls_favor_15, t0.fouls_against AS fouls_against_16, t0.time_match AS time_match_17, t0.category AS category_18, t0.total_shots AS total_shots_19, t0.total_shots_against AS total_shots_against_20, t0.yellow_cards AS yellow_cards_21, t0.yellow_cards_against AS yellow_cards_against_22, t0.red_cards AS red_cards_23, t0.red_cards_against AS red_cards_against_24, t0.current_position_league AS current_position_league_25, t0.opponent_current_position_league AS opponent_current_position_league_26, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_27, t0.season_id AS season_id_28, t0.locality_id AS locality_id_29, t30.id AS id_31, t30.game_id AS game_id_32, t0.competition_id AS competition_id_33, t0.alignment_id AS alignment_id_34, t0.rival_alignment_id AS rival_alignment_id_35, t0.pressure_rival_id AS pressure_rival_id_36 FROM game t0 LEFT JOIN convocatoria t30 ON t30.game_id = t0.id WHERE t0.id = ?
5 | 1.22 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.tactic AS tactic_2, t0.alignment AS alignment_3, t4.id AS id_5, t4.rival AS rival_6, t4.day AS day_7, t4.date AS date_8, t4.goals AS goals_9, t4.rival_goals AS rival_goals_10, t4.image AS image_11, t4.updated_at AS updated_at_12, t4.shots_goal AS shots_goal_13, t4.shots_opponent AS shots_opponent_14, t4.corners_favor AS corners_favor_15, t4.corners_against AS corners_against_16, t4.penalties_favor AS penalties_favor_17, t4.penalties_against AS penalties_against_18, t4.fouls_favor AS fouls_favor_19, t4.fouls_against AS fouls_against_20, t4.time_match AS time_match_21, t4.category AS category_22, t4.total_shots AS total_shots_23, t4.total_shots_against AS total_shots_against_24, t4.yellow_cards AS yellow_cards_25, t4.yellow_cards_against AS yellow_cards_against_26, t4.red_cards AS red_cards_27, t4.red_cards_against AS red_cards_against_28, t4.current_position_league AS current_position_league_29, t4.opponent_current_position_league AS opponent_current_position_league_30, t4.deleted_at AS deleted_at_31, t4.season_id AS season_id_32, t4.locality_id AS locality_id_33, t4.competition_id AS competition_id_34, t4.alignment_id AS alignment_id_35, t4.rival_alignment_id AS rival_alignment_id_36, t4.pressure_rival_id AS pressure_rival_id_37, t0.seasonplayer_id AS seasonplayer_id_38 FROM game_alignment t0 LEFT JOIN game t4 ON t4.alignment_id = t0.id WHERE t0.id = ?
6 | 0.97 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.games AS games_2, t0.goals AS goals_3, t0.yellow_card AS yellow_card_4, t0.red_card AS red_card_5, t0.dorsal AS dorsal_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_8, t0.season_id AS season_id_9, t0.player_id AS player_id_10 FROM season_player t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
7 | 6.13 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.games AS games_2, t0.goals AS goals_3, t0.yellow_card AS yellow_card_4, t0.red_card AS red_card_5, t0.dorsal AS dorsal_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_8, t0.season_id AS season_id_9, t0.player_id AS player_id_10 FROM season_player t0 WHERE t0.season_id = ? ORDER BY t0.dorsal ASC
8 | 1.99 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.lastname AS lastname_3, t0.age AS age_4, t0.weight AS weight_5, t0.height AS height_6, t0.shoes AS shoes_7, t0.image AS image_8, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_9, t0.skillful_leg AS skillful_leg_10, t0.is_active AS is_active_11, t0.birth_date AS birth_date_12, t0.phone AS phone_13, t0.email AS email_14, t0.number_document AS number_document_15, t0.health_card AS health_card_16, t0.date_of_birth AS date_of_birth_17, t0.medical_review_date AS medical_review_date_18, t0.last_club AS last_club_19, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_20, t0.position_id AS position_id_21, t0.secondary_position_id AS secondary_position_id_22, t0.country_id AS country_id_23 FROM player t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
9 | 0.98 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.slug AS slug_2, t0.image AS image_3, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_4, t0.field_position AS field_position_5 FROM position t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
10 | 0.90 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.description AS description_3, t0.slug_translation AS slug_translation_4, t0.locale AS locale_5, t0.translatable_id AS translatable_id_6 FROM position_translation t0 WHERE t0.translatable_id = ?
11 | 0.42 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.slug AS slug_2, t0.image AS image_3, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_4, t0.field_position AS field_position_5 FROM position t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
12 | 0.44 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.description AS description_3, t0.slug_translation AS slug_translation_4, t0.locale AS locale_5, t0.translatable_id AS translatable_id_6 FROM position_translation t0 WHERE t0.translatable_id = ?
13 | 1.41 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.games AS games_2, t0.goals AS goals_3, t0.yellow_card AS yellow_card_4, t0.red_card AS red_card_5, t0.dorsal AS dorsal_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_8, t0.season_id AS season_id_9, t0.player_id AS player_id_10 FROM season_player t0 WHERE t0.season_id = ? AND t0.player_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 26964 93540 ] |
14 | 1.55 ms |
SELECT SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL AND gps.minutes > 0,1,0)) AS countPlayed, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.minutes,0)) AS `minutes`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.red_cards,0)) AS `redCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.yellow_cards,0)) AS `yellowCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.kilometers_traveled,0)) AS `kilometersTraveled`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.shots_on_goal,0)) AS `shotsOnGoal`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.stolen_balls,0)) AS `stolenBalls`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.penalties_committed,0)) AS `penaltiesCommitted`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.forced_penalties,0)) AS `forcedPenalties`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `isTitular`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `titularity`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goal_assistances,0)) AS `goalAssistances`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goals,0)) AS `goals`, SUM(IF(ga.id IS NOT NULL,1,0)) AS `gameAlignment`, COUNT(*) AS convocatory FROM game g INNER JOIN convocatoria c ON g.id = c.game_id INNER JOIN convocatoria_player cp ON c.id = cp.convocatoria_id AND cp.player_id = :player_id AND cp.is_active = 1 LEFT JOIN game_player_statistics gps ON g.id = gps.game_id AND gps.seasonplayer_id = :seasonplayer_id LEFT JOIN game_alignment ga ON ga.id = g.alignment_id AND ga.alignment LIKE :alignment WHERE g.id = :game_id AND g.deleted_at IS NULL
[ "player_id" => 93540 "seasonplayer_id" => 117132 "alignment" => "%"id":93540%" "game_id" => 35608 ] |
15 | 0.44 ms |
SELECT t0.player_id AS player_id_1, t0.convocatoria_id AS convocatoria_id_2, t0.is_active AS is_active_3, t0.justification_type_id AS justification_type_id_4 FROM convocatoria_player t0 WHERE t0.player_id = ? AND t0.convocatoria_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 93540 21024 ] |
16 | 0.58 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.lastname AS lastname_3, t0.age AS age_4, t0.weight AS weight_5, t0.height AS height_6, t0.shoes AS shoes_7, t0.image AS image_8, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_9, t0.skillful_leg AS skillful_leg_10, t0.is_active AS is_active_11, t0.birth_date AS birth_date_12, t0.phone AS phone_13, t0.email AS email_14, t0.number_document AS number_document_15, t0.health_card AS health_card_16, t0.date_of_birth AS date_of_birth_17, t0.medical_review_date AS medical_review_date_18, t0.last_club AS last_club_19, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_20, t0.position_id AS position_id_21, t0.secondary_position_id AS secondary_position_id_22, t0.country_id AS country_id_23 FROM player t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
17 | 0.43 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.slug AS slug_2, t0.image AS image_3, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_4, t0.field_position AS field_position_5 FROM position t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
18 | 0.48 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.description AS description_3, t0.slug_translation AS slug_translation_4, t0.locale AS locale_5, t0.translatable_id AS translatable_id_6 FROM position_translation t0 WHERE t0.translatable_id = ?
19 | 1.21 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.games AS games_2, t0.goals AS goals_3, t0.yellow_card AS yellow_card_4, t0.red_card AS red_card_5, t0.dorsal AS dorsal_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_8, t0.season_id AS season_id_9, t0.player_id AS player_id_10 FROM season_player t0 WHERE t0.season_id = ? AND t0.player_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 26964 49679 ] |
20 | 1.13 ms |
SELECT SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL AND gps.minutes > 0,1,0)) AS countPlayed, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.minutes,0)) AS `minutes`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.red_cards,0)) AS `redCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.yellow_cards,0)) AS `yellowCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.kilometers_traveled,0)) AS `kilometersTraveled`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.shots_on_goal,0)) AS `shotsOnGoal`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.stolen_balls,0)) AS `stolenBalls`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.penalties_committed,0)) AS `penaltiesCommitted`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.forced_penalties,0)) AS `forcedPenalties`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `isTitular`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `titularity`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goal_assistances,0)) AS `goalAssistances`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goals,0)) AS `goals`, SUM(IF(ga.id IS NOT NULL,1,0)) AS `gameAlignment`, COUNT(*) AS convocatory FROM game g INNER JOIN convocatoria c ON g.id = c.game_id INNER JOIN convocatoria_player cp ON c.id = cp.convocatoria_id AND cp.player_id = :player_id AND cp.is_active = 1 LEFT JOIN game_player_statistics gps ON g.id = gps.game_id AND gps.seasonplayer_id = :seasonplayer_id LEFT JOIN game_alignment ga ON ga.id = g.alignment_id AND ga.alignment LIKE :alignment WHERE g.id = :game_id AND g.deleted_at IS NULL
[ "player_id" => 49679 "seasonplayer_id" => 117134 "alignment" => "%"id":49679%" "game_id" => 35608 ] |
21 | 0.45 ms |
SELECT t0.player_id AS player_id_1, t0.convocatoria_id AS convocatoria_id_2, t0.is_active AS is_active_3, t0.justification_type_id AS justification_type_id_4 FROM convocatoria_player t0 WHERE t0.player_id = ? AND t0.convocatoria_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 49679 21024 ] |
22 | 0.71 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.lastname AS lastname_3, t0.age AS age_4, t0.weight AS weight_5, t0.height AS height_6, t0.shoes AS shoes_7, t0.image AS image_8, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_9, t0.skillful_leg AS skillful_leg_10, t0.is_active AS is_active_11, t0.birth_date AS birth_date_12, t0.phone AS phone_13, t0.email AS email_14, t0.number_document AS number_document_15, t0.health_card AS health_card_16, t0.date_of_birth AS date_of_birth_17, t0.medical_review_date AS medical_review_date_18, t0.last_club AS last_club_19, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_20, t0.position_id AS position_id_21, t0.secondary_position_id AS secondary_position_id_22, t0.country_id AS country_id_23 FROM player t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
23 | 0.44 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.slug AS slug_2, t0.image AS image_3, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_4, t0.field_position AS field_position_5 FROM position t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
24 | 0.60 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.description AS description_3, t0.slug_translation AS slug_translation_4, t0.locale AS locale_5, t0.translatable_id AS translatable_id_6 FROM position_translation t0 WHERE t0.translatable_id = ?
25 | 0.72 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.games AS games_2, t0.goals AS goals_3, t0.yellow_card AS yellow_card_4, t0.red_card AS red_card_5, t0.dorsal AS dorsal_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_8, t0.season_id AS season_id_9, t0.player_id AS player_id_10 FROM season_player t0 WHERE t0.season_id = ? AND t0.player_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 26964 36309 ] |
26 | 0.89 ms |
SELECT SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL AND gps.minutes > 0,1,0)) AS countPlayed, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.minutes,0)) AS `minutes`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.red_cards,0)) AS `redCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.yellow_cards,0)) AS `yellowCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.kilometers_traveled,0)) AS `kilometersTraveled`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.shots_on_goal,0)) AS `shotsOnGoal`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.stolen_balls,0)) AS `stolenBalls`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.penalties_committed,0)) AS `penaltiesCommitted`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.forced_penalties,0)) AS `forcedPenalties`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `isTitular`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `titularity`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goal_assistances,0)) AS `goalAssistances`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goals,0)) AS `goals`, SUM(IF(ga.id IS NOT NULL,1,0)) AS `gameAlignment`, COUNT(*) AS convocatory FROM game g INNER JOIN convocatoria c ON g.id = c.game_id INNER JOIN convocatoria_player cp ON c.id = cp.convocatoria_id AND cp.player_id = :player_id AND cp.is_active = 1 LEFT JOIN game_player_statistics gps ON g.id = gps.game_id AND gps.seasonplayer_id = :seasonplayer_id LEFT JOIN game_alignment ga ON ga.id = g.alignment_id AND ga.alignment LIKE :alignment WHERE g.id = :game_id AND g.deleted_at IS NULL
[ "player_id" => 36309 "seasonplayer_id" => 117137 "alignment" => "%"id":36309%" "game_id" => 35608 ] |
27 | 0.41 ms |
SELECT t0.player_id AS player_id_1, t0.convocatoria_id AS convocatoria_id_2, t0.is_active AS is_active_3, t0.justification_type_id AS justification_type_id_4 FROM convocatoria_player t0 WHERE t0.player_id = ? AND t0.convocatoria_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 36309 21024 ] |
28 | 0.54 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.lastname AS lastname_3, t0.age AS age_4, t0.weight AS weight_5, t0.height AS height_6, t0.shoes AS shoes_7, t0.image AS image_8, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_9, t0.skillful_leg AS skillful_leg_10, t0.is_active AS is_active_11, t0.birth_date AS birth_date_12, t0.phone AS phone_13, t0.email AS email_14, t0.number_document AS number_document_15, t0.health_card AS health_card_16, t0.date_of_birth AS date_of_birth_17, t0.medical_review_date AS medical_review_date_18, t0.last_club AS last_club_19, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_20, t0.position_id AS position_id_21, t0.secondary_position_id AS secondary_position_id_22, t0.country_id AS country_id_23 FROM player t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
29 | 0.41 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.slug AS slug_2, t0.image AS image_3, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_4, t0.field_position AS field_position_5 FROM position t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
30 | 0.46 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.description AS description_3, t0.slug_translation AS slug_translation_4, t0.locale AS locale_5, t0.translatable_id AS translatable_id_6 FROM position_translation t0 WHERE t0.translatable_id = ?
31 | 1.03 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.games AS games_2, t0.goals AS goals_3, t0.yellow_card AS yellow_card_4, t0.red_card AS red_card_5, t0.dorsal AS dorsal_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_8, t0.season_id AS season_id_9, t0.player_id AS player_id_10 FROM season_player t0 WHERE t0.season_id = ? AND t0.player_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 26964 48263 ] |
32 | 1.66 ms |
SELECT SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL AND gps.minutes > 0,1,0)) AS countPlayed, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.minutes,0)) AS `minutes`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.red_cards,0)) AS `redCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.yellow_cards,0)) AS `yellowCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.kilometers_traveled,0)) AS `kilometersTraveled`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.shots_on_goal,0)) AS `shotsOnGoal`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.stolen_balls,0)) AS `stolenBalls`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.penalties_committed,0)) AS `penaltiesCommitted`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.forced_penalties,0)) AS `forcedPenalties`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `isTitular`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `titularity`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goal_assistances,0)) AS `goalAssistances`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goals,0)) AS `goals`, SUM(IF(ga.id IS NOT NULL,1,0)) AS `gameAlignment`, COUNT(*) AS convocatory FROM game g INNER JOIN convocatoria c ON g.id = c.game_id INNER JOIN convocatoria_player cp ON c.id = cp.convocatoria_id AND cp.player_id = :player_id AND cp.is_active = 1 LEFT JOIN game_player_statistics gps ON g.id = gps.game_id AND gps.seasonplayer_id = :seasonplayer_id LEFT JOIN game_alignment ga ON ga.id = g.alignment_id AND ga.alignment LIKE :alignment WHERE g.id = :game_id AND g.deleted_at IS NULL
[ "player_id" => 48263 "seasonplayer_id" => 117139 "alignment" => "%"id":48263%" "game_id" => 35608 ] |
33 | 0.39 ms |
SELECT t0.player_id AS player_id_1, t0.convocatoria_id AS convocatoria_id_2, t0.is_active AS is_active_3, t0.justification_type_id AS justification_type_id_4 FROM convocatoria_player t0 WHERE t0.player_id = ? AND t0.convocatoria_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 48263 21024 ] |
34 | 1.11 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.lastname AS lastname_3, t0.age AS age_4, t0.weight AS weight_5, t0.height AS height_6, t0.shoes AS shoes_7, t0.image AS image_8, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_9, t0.skillful_leg AS skillful_leg_10, t0.is_active AS is_active_11, t0.birth_date AS birth_date_12, t0.phone AS phone_13, t0.email AS email_14, t0.number_document AS number_document_15, t0.health_card AS health_card_16, t0.date_of_birth AS date_of_birth_17, t0.medical_review_date AS medical_review_date_18, t0.last_club AS last_club_19, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_20, t0.position_id AS position_id_21, t0.secondary_position_id AS secondary_position_id_22, t0.country_id AS country_id_23 FROM player t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
35 | 0.46 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.slug AS slug_2, t0.image AS image_3, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_4, t0.field_position AS field_position_5 FROM position t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
36 | 0.47 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.description AS description_3, t0.slug_translation AS slug_translation_4, t0.locale AS locale_5, t0.translatable_id AS translatable_id_6 FROM position_translation t0 WHERE t0.translatable_id = ?
37 | 1.45 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.games AS games_2, t0.goals AS goals_3, t0.yellow_card AS yellow_card_4, t0.red_card AS red_card_5, t0.dorsal AS dorsal_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_8, t0.season_id AS season_id_9, t0.player_id AS player_id_10 FROM season_player t0 WHERE t0.season_id = ? AND t0.player_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 26964 116114 ] |
38 | 1.02 ms |
SELECT SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL AND gps.minutes > 0,1,0)) AS countPlayed, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.minutes,0)) AS `minutes`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.red_cards,0)) AS `redCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.yellow_cards,0)) AS `yellowCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.kilometers_traveled,0)) AS `kilometersTraveled`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.shots_on_goal,0)) AS `shotsOnGoal`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.stolen_balls,0)) AS `stolenBalls`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.penalties_committed,0)) AS `penaltiesCommitted`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.forced_penalties,0)) AS `forcedPenalties`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `isTitular`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `titularity`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goal_assistances,0)) AS `goalAssistances`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goals,0)) AS `goals`, SUM(IF(ga.id IS NOT NULL,1,0)) AS `gameAlignment`, COUNT(*) AS convocatory FROM game g INNER JOIN convocatoria c ON g.id = c.game_id INNER JOIN convocatoria_player cp ON c.id = cp.convocatoria_id AND cp.player_id = :player_id AND cp.is_active = 1 LEFT JOIN game_player_statistics gps ON g.id = gps.game_id AND gps.seasonplayer_id = :seasonplayer_id LEFT JOIN game_alignment ga ON ga.id = g.alignment_id AND ga.alignment LIKE :alignment WHERE g.id = :game_id AND g.deleted_at IS NULL
[ "player_id" => 116114 "seasonplayer_id" => 119020 "alignment" => "%"id":116114%" "game_id" => 35608 ] |
39 | 0.37 ms |
SELECT t0.player_id AS player_id_1, t0.convocatoria_id AS convocatoria_id_2, t0.is_active AS is_active_3, t0.justification_type_id AS justification_type_id_4 FROM convocatoria_player t0 WHERE t0.player_id = ? AND t0.convocatoria_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 116114 21024 ] |
40 | 0.51 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.lastname AS lastname_3, t0.age AS age_4, t0.weight AS weight_5, t0.height AS height_6, t0.shoes AS shoes_7, t0.image AS image_8, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_9, t0.skillful_leg AS skillful_leg_10, t0.is_active AS is_active_11, t0.birth_date AS birth_date_12, t0.phone AS phone_13, t0.email AS email_14, t0.number_document AS number_document_15, t0.health_card AS health_card_16, t0.date_of_birth AS date_of_birth_17, t0.medical_review_date AS medical_review_date_18, t0.last_club AS last_club_19, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_20, t0.position_id AS position_id_21, t0.secondary_position_id AS secondary_position_id_22, t0.country_id AS country_id_23 FROM player t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
41 | 0.96 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.lastname AS lastname_3, t0.age AS age_4, t0.weight AS weight_5, t0.height AS height_6, t0.shoes AS shoes_7, t0.image AS image_8, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_9, t0.skillful_leg AS skillful_leg_10, t0.is_active AS is_active_11, t0.birth_date AS birth_date_12, t0.phone AS phone_13, t0.email AS email_14, t0.number_document AS number_document_15, t0.health_card AS health_card_16, t0.date_of_birth AS date_of_birth_17, t0.medical_review_date AS medical_review_date_18, t0.last_club AS last_club_19, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_20, t0.position_id AS position_id_21, t0.secondary_position_id AS secondary_position_id_22, t0.country_id AS country_id_23 FROM player t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
42 | 1.17 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.games AS games_2, t0.goals AS goals_3, t0.yellow_card AS yellow_card_4, t0.red_card AS red_card_5, t0.dorsal AS dorsal_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_8, t0.season_id AS season_id_9, t0.player_id AS player_id_10 FROM season_player t0 WHERE t0.season_id = ? AND t0.player_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 26964 116122 ] |
43 | 1.74 ms |
SELECT SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL AND gps.minutes > 0,1,0)) AS countPlayed, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.minutes,0)) AS `minutes`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.red_cards,0)) AS `redCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.yellow_cards,0)) AS `yellowCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.kilometers_traveled,0)) AS `kilometersTraveled`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.shots_on_goal,0)) AS `shotsOnGoal`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.stolen_balls,0)) AS `stolenBalls`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.penalties_committed,0)) AS `penaltiesCommitted`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.forced_penalties,0)) AS `forcedPenalties`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `isTitular`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `titularity`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goal_assistances,0)) AS `goalAssistances`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goals,0)) AS `goals`, SUM(IF(ga.id IS NOT NULL,1,0)) AS `gameAlignment`, COUNT(*) AS convocatory FROM game g INNER JOIN convocatoria c ON g.id = c.game_id INNER JOIN convocatoria_player cp ON c.id = cp.convocatoria_id AND cp.player_id = :player_id AND cp.is_active = 1 LEFT JOIN game_player_statistics gps ON g.id = gps.game_id AND gps.seasonplayer_id = :seasonplayer_id LEFT JOIN game_alignment ga ON ga.id = g.alignment_id AND ga.alignment LIKE :alignment WHERE g.id = :game_id AND g.deleted_at IS NULL
[ "player_id" => 116122 "seasonplayer_id" => 119028 "alignment" => "%"id":116122%" "game_id" => 35608 ] |
44 | 1.12 ms |
SELECT t0.player_id AS player_id_1, t0.convocatoria_id AS convocatoria_id_2, t0.is_active AS is_active_3, t0.justification_type_id AS justification_type_id_4 FROM convocatoria_player t0 WHERE t0.player_id = ? AND t0.convocatoria_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 116122 21024 ] |
45 | 0.66 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.lastname AS lastname_3, t0.age AS age_4, t0.weight AS weight_5, t0.height AS height_6, t0.shoes AS shoes_7, t0.image AS image_8, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_9, t0.skillful_leg AS skillful_leg_10, t0.is_active AS is_active_11, t0.birth_date AS birth_date_12, t0.phone AS phone_13, t0.email AS email_14, t0.number_document AS number_document_15, t0.health_card AS health_card_16, t0.date_of_birth AS date_of_birth_17, t0.medical_review_date AS medical_review_date_18, t0.last_club AS last_club_19, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_20, t0.position_id AS position_id_21, t0.secondary_position_id AS secondary_position_id_22, t0.country_id AS country_id_23 FROM player t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
46 | 0.54 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.lastname AS lastname_3, t0.age AS age_4, t0.weight AS weight_5, t0.height AS height_6, t0.shoes AS shoes_7, t0.image AS image_8, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_9, t0.skillful_leg AS skillful_leg_10, t0.is_active AS is_active_11, t0.birth_date AS birth_date_12, t0.phone AS phone_13, t0.email AS email_14, t0.number_document AS number_document_15, t0.health_card AS health_card_16, t0.date_of_birth AS date_of_birth_17, t0.medical_review_date AS medical_review_date_18, t0.last_club AS last_club_19, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_20, t0.position_id AS position_id_21, t0.secondary_position_id AS secondary_position_id_22, t0.country_id AS country_id_23 FROM player t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
47 | 4.33 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.lastname AS lastname_3, t0.age AS age_4, t0.weight AS weight_5, t0.height AS height_6, t0.shoes AS shoes_7, t0.image AS image_8, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_9, t0.skillful_leg AS skillful_leg_10, t0.is_active AS is_active_11, t0.birth_date AS birth_date_12, t0.phone AS phone_13, t0.email AS email_14, t0.number_document AS number_document_15, t0.health_card AS health_card_16, t0.date_of_birth AS date_of_birth_17, t0.medical_review_date AS medical_review_date_18, t0.last_club AS last_club_19, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_20, t0.position_id AS position_id_21, t0.secondary_position_id AS secondary_position_id_22, t0.country_id AS country_id_23 FROM player t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
48 | 0.71 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.slug AS slug_2, t0.image AS image_3, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_4, t0.field_position AS field_position_5 FROM position t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
49 | 0.48 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.description AS description_3, t0.slug_translation AS slug_translation_4, t0.locale AS locale_5, t0.translatable_id AS translatable_id_6 FROM position_translation t0 WHERE t0.translatable_id = ?
50 | 0.54 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.games AS games_2, t0.goals AS goals_3, t0.yellow_card AS yellow_card_4, t0.red_card AS red_card_5, t0.dorsal AS dorsal_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_8, t0.season_id AS season_id_9, t0.player_id AS player_id_10 FROM season_player t0 WHERE t0.season_id = ? AND t0.player_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 26964 116112 ] |
51 | 0.90 ms |
SELECT SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL AND gps.minutes > 0,1,0)) AS countPlayed, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.minutes,0)) AS `minutes`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.red_cards,0)) AS `redCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.yellow_cards,0)) AS `yellowCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.kilometers_traveled,0)) AS `kilometersTraveled`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.shots_on_goal,0)) AS `shotsOnGoal`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.stolen_balls,0)) AS `stolenBalls`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.penalties_committed,0)) AS `penaltiesCommitted`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.forced_penalties,0)) AS `forcedPenalties`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `isTitular`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `titularity`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goal_assistances,0)) AS `goalAssistances`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goals,0)) AS `goals`, SUM(IF(ga.id IS NOT NULL,1,0)) AS `gameAlignment`, COUNT(*) AS convocatory FROM game g INNER JOIN convocatoria c ON g.id = c.game_id INNER JOIN convocatoria_player cp ON c.id = cp.convocatoria_id AND cp.player_id = :player_id AND cp.is_active = 1 LEFT JOIN game_player_statistics gps ON g.id = gps.game_id AND gps.seasonplayer_id = :seasonplayer_id LEFT JOIN game_alignment ga ON ga.id = g.alignment_id AND ga.alignment LIKE :alignment WHERE g.id = :game_id AND g.deleted_at IS NULL
[ "player_id" => 116112 "seasonplayer_id" => 119018 "alignment" => "%"id":116112%" "game_id" => 35608 ] |
52 | 0.37 ms |
SELECT t0.player_id AS player_id_1, t0.convocatoria_id AS convocatoria_id_2, t0.is_active AS is_active_3, t0.justification_type_id AS justification_type_id_4 FROM convocatoria_player t0 WHERE t0.player_id = ? AND t0.convocatoria_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 116112 21024 ] |
53 | 0.56 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.lastname AS lastname_3, t0.age AS age_4, t0.weight AS weight_5, t0.height AS height_6, t0.shoes AS shoes_7, t0.image AS image_8, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_9, t0.skillful_leg AS skillful_leg_10, t0.is_active AS is_active_11, t0.birth_date AS birth_date_12, t0.phone AS phone_13, t0.email AS email_14, t0.number_document AS number_document_15, t0.health_card AS health_card_16, t0.date_of_birth AS date_of_birth_17, t0.medical_review_date AS medical_review_date_18, t0.last_club AS last_club_19, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_20, t0.position_id AS position_id_21, t0.secondary_position_id AS secondary_position_id_22, t0.country_id AS country_id_23 FROM player t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
54 | 0.79 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.games AS games_2, t0.goals AS goals_3, t0.yellow_card AS yellow_card_4, t0.red_card AS red_card_5, t0.dorsal AS dorsal_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_8, t0.season_id AS season_id_9, t0.player_id AS player_id_10 FROM season_player t0 WHERE t0.season_id = ? AND t0.player_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 26964 116119 ] |
55 | 1.17 ms |
SELECT SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL AND gps.minutes > 0,1,0)) AS countPlayed, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.minutes,0)) AS `minutes`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.red_cards,0)) AS `redCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.yellow_cards,0)) AS `yellowCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.kilometers_traveled,0)) AS `kilometersTraveled`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.shots_on_goal,0)) AS `shotsOnGoal`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.stolen_balls,0)) AS `stolenBalls`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.penalties_committed,0)) AS `penaltiesCommitted`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.forced_penalties,0)) AS `forcedPenalties`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `isTitular`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `titularity`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goal_assistances,0)) AS `goalAssistances`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goals,0)) AS `goals`, SUM(IF(ga.id IS NOT NULL,1,0)) AS `gameAlignment`, COUNT(*) AS convocatory FROM game g INNER JOIN convocatoria c ON g.id = c.game_id INNER JOIN convocatoria_player cp ON c.id = cp.convocatoria_id AND cp.player_id = :player_id AND cp.is_active = 1 LEFT JOIN game_player_statistics gps ON g.id = gps.game_id AND gps.seasonplayer_id = :seasonplayer_id LEFT JOIN game_alignment ga ON ga.id = g.alignment_id AND ga.alignment LIKE :alignment WHERE g.id = :game_id AND g.deleted_at IS NULL
[ "player_id" => 116119 "seasonplayer_id" => 119025 "alignment" => "%"id":116119%" "game_id" => 35608 ] |
56 | 0.76 ms |
SELECT t0.player_id AS player_id_1, t0.convocatoria_id AS convocatoria_id_2, t0.is_active AS is_active_3, t0.justification_type_id AS justification_type_id_4 FROM convocatoria_player t0 WHERE t0.player_id = ? AND t0.convocatoria_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 116119 21024 ] |
57 | 0.63 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.lastname AS lastname_3, t0.age AS age_4, t0.weight AS weight_5, t0.height AS height_6, t0.shoes AS shoes_7, t0.image AS image_8, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_9, t0.skillful_leg AS skillful_leg_10, t0.is_active AS is_active_11, t0.birth_date AS birth_date_12, t0.phone AS phone_13, t0.email AS email_14, t0.number_document AS number_document_15, t0.health_card AS health_card_16, t0.date_of_birth AS date_of_birth_17, t0.medical_review_date AS medical_review_date_18, t0.last_club AS last_club_19, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_20, t0.position_id AS position_id_21, t0.secondary_position_id AS secondary_position_id_22, t0.country_id AS country_id_23 FROM player t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
58 | 0.88 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.games AS games_2, t0.goals AS goals_3, t0.yellow_card AS yellow_card_4, t0.red_card AS red_card_5, t0.dorsal AS dorsal_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_8, t0.season_id AS season_id_9, t0.player_id AS player_id_10 FROM season_player t0 WHERE t0.season_id = ? AND t0.player_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 26964 116113 ] |
59 | 1.06 ms |
SELECT SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL AND gps.minutes > 0,1,0)) AS countPlayed, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.minutes,0)) AS `minutes`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.red_cards,0)) AS `redCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.yellow_cards,0)) AS `yellowCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.kilometers_traveled,0)) AS `kilometersTraveled`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.shots_on_goal,0)) AS `shotsOnGoal`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.stolen_balls,0)) AS `stolenBalls`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.penalties_committed,0)) AS `penaltiesCommitted`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.forced_penalties,0)) AS `forcedPenalties`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `isTitular`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `titularity`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goal_assistances,0)) AS `goalAssistances`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goals,0)) AS `goals`, SUM(IF(ga.id IS NOT NULL,1,0)) AS `gameAlignment`, COUNT(*) AS convocatory FROM game g INNER JOIN convocatoria c ON g.id = c.game_id INNER JOIN convocatoria_player cp ON c.id = cp.convocatoria_id AND cp.player_id = :player_id AND cp.is_active = 1 LEFT JOIN game_player_statistics gps ON g.id = gps.game_id AND gps.seasonplayer_id = :seasonplayer_id LEFT JOIN game_alignment ga ON ga.id = g.alignment_id AND ga.alignment LIKE :alignment WHERE g.id = :game_id AND g.deleted_at IS NULL
[ "player_id" => 116113 "seasonplayer_id" => 119019 "alignment" => "%"id":116113%" "game_id" => 35608 ] |
60 | 1.32 ms |
SELECT t0.player_id AS player_id_1, t0.convocatoria_id AS convocatoria_id_2, t0.is_active AS is_active_3, t0.justification_type_id AS justification_type_id_4 FROM convocatoria_player t0 WHERE t0.player_id = ? AND t0.convocatoria_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 116113 21024 ] |
61 | 0.55 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.lastname AS lastname_3, t0.age AS age_4, t0.weight AS weight_5, t0.height AS height_6, t0.shoes AS shoes_7, t0.image AS image_8, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_9, t0.skillful_leg AS skillful_leg_10, t0.is_active AS is_active_11, t0.birth_date AS birth_date_12, t0.phone AS phone_13, t0.email AS email_14, t0.number_document AS number_document_15, t0.health_card AS health_card_16, t0.date_of_birth AS date_of_birth_17, t0.medical_review_date AS medical_review_date_18, t0.last_club AS last_club_19, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_20, t0.position_id AS position_id_21, t0.secondary_position_id AS secondary_position_id_22, t0.country_id AS country_id_23 FROM player t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
62 | 0.49 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.games AS games_2, t0.goals AS goals_3, t0.yellow_card AS yellow_card_4, t0.red_card AS red_card_5, t0.dorsal AS dorsal_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_8, t0.season_id AS season_id_9, t0.player_id AS player_id_10 FROM season_player t0 WHERE t0.season_id = ? AND t0.player_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 26964 123964 ] |
63 | 1.16 ms |
SELECT SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL AND gps.minutes > 0,1,0)) AS countPlayed, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.minutes,0)) AS `minutes`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.red_cards,0)) AS `redCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.yellow_cards,0)) AS `yellowCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.kilometers_traveled,0)) AS `kilometersTraveled`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.shots_on_goal,0)) AS `shotsOnGoal`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.stolen_balls,0)) AS `stolenBalls`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.penalties_committed,0)) AS `penaltiesCommitted`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.forced_penalties,0)) AS `forcedPenalties`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `isTitular`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `titularity`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goal_assistances,0)) AS `goalAssistances`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goals,0)) AS `goals`, SUM(IF(ga.id IS NOT NULL,1,0)) AS `gameAlignment`, COUNT(*) AS convocatory FROM game g INNER JOIN convocatoria c ON g.id = c.game_id INNER JOIN convocatoria_player cp ON c.id = cp.convocatoria_id AND cp.player_id = :player_id AND cp.is_active = 1 LEFT JOIN game_player_statistics gps ON g.id = gps.game_id AND gps.seasonplayer_id = :seasonplayer_id LEFT JOIN game_alignment ga ON ga.id = g.alignment_id AND ga.alignment LIKE :alignment WHERE g.id = :game_id AND g.deleted_at IS NULL
[ "player_id" => 123964 "seasonplayer_id" => 127217 "alignment" => "%"id":123964%" "game_id" => 35608 ] |
64 | 0.39 ms |
SELECT t0.player_id AS player_id_1, t0.convocatoria_id AS convocatoria_id_2, t0.is_active AS is_active_3, t0.justification_type_id AS justification_type_id_4 FROM convocatoria_player t0 WHERE t0.player_id = ? AND t0.convocatoria_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 123964 21024 ] |
65 | 0.52 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.lastname AS lastname_3, t0.age AS age_4, t0.weight AS weight_5, t0.height AS height_6, t0.shoes AS shoes_7, t0.image AS image_8, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_9, t0.skillful_leg AS skillful_leg_10, t0.is_active AS is_active_11, t0.birth_date AS birth_date_12, t0.phone AS phone_13, t0.email AS email_14, t0.number_document AS number_document_15, t0.health_card AS health_card_16, t0.date_of_birth AS date_of_birth_17, t0.medical_review_date AS medical_review_date_18, t0.last_club AS last_club_19, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_20, t0.position_id AS position_id_21, t0.secondary_position_id AS secondary_position_id_22, t0.country_id AS country_id_23 FROM player t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
66 | 0.63 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.games AS games_2, t0.goals AS goals_3, t0.yellow_card AS yellow_card_4, t0.red_card AS red_card_5, t0.dorsal AS dorsal_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_8, t0.season_id AS season_id_9, t0.player_id AS player_id_10 FROM season_player t0 WHERE t0.season_id = ? AND t0.player_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 26964 36369 ] |
67 | 4.42 ms |
SELECT SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL AND gps.minutes > 0,1,0)) AS countPlayed, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.minutes,0)) AS `minutes`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.red_cards,0)) AS `redCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.yellow_cards,0)) AS `yellowCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.kilometers_traveled,0)) AS `kilometersTraveled`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.shots_on_goal,0)) AS `shotsOnGoal`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.stolen_balls,0)) AS `stolenBalls`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.penalties_committed,0)) AS `penaltiesCommitted`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.forced_penalties,0)) AS `forcedPenalties`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `isTitular`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `titularity`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goal_assistances,0)) AS `goalAssistances`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goals,0)) AS `goals`, SUM(IF(ga.id IS NOT NULL,1,0)) AS `gameAlignment`, COUNT(*) AS convocatory FROM game g INNER JOIN convocatoria c ON g.id = c.game_id INNER JOIN convocatoria_player cp ON c.id = cp.convocatoria_id AND cp.player_id = :player_id AND cp.is_active = 1 LEFT JOIN game_player_statistics gps ON g.id = gps.game_id AND gps.seasonplayer_id = :seasonplayer_id LEFT JOIN game_alignment ga ON ga.id = g.alignment_id AND ga.alignment LIKE :alignment WHERE g.id = :game_id AND g.deleted_at IS NULL
[ "player_id" => 36369 "seasonplayer_id" => 117138 "alignment" => "%"id":36369%" "game_id" => 35608 ] |
68 | 0.51 ms |
SELECT t0.player_id AS player_id_1, t0.convocatoria_id AS convocatoria_id_2, t0.is_active AS is_active_3, t0.justification_type_id AS justification_type_id_4 FROM convocatoria_player t0 WHERE t0.player_id = ? AND t0.convocatoria_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 36369 21024 ] |
69 | 0.57 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.lastname AS lastname_3, t0.age AS age_4, t0.weight AS weight_5, t0.height AS height_6, t0.shoes AS shoes_7, t0.image AS image_8, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_9, t0.skillful_leg AS skillful_leg_10, t0.is_active AS is_active_11, t0.birth_date AS birth_date_12, t0.phone AS phone_13, t0.email AS email_14, t0.number_document AS number_document_15, t0.health_card AS health_card_16, t0.date_of_birth AS date_of_birth_17, t0.medical_review_date AS medical_review_date_18, t0.last_club AS last_club_19, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_20, t0.position_id AS position_id_21, t0.secondary_position_id AS secondary_position_id_22, t0.country_id AS country_id_23 FROM player t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
70 | 0.83 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.games AS games_2, t0.goals AS goals_3, t0.yellow_card AS yellow_card_4, t0.red_card AS red_card_5, t0.dorsal AS dorsal_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_8, t0.season_id AS season_id_9, t0.player_id AS player_id_10 FROM season_player t0 WHERE t0.season_id = ? AND t0.player_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 26964 36312 ] |
71 | 1.19 ms |
SELECT SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL AND gps.minutes > 0,1,0)) AS countPlayed, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.minutes,0)) AS `minutes`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.red_cards,0)) AS `redCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.yellow_cards,0)) AS `yellowCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.kilometers_traveled,0)) AS `kilometersTraveled`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.shots_on_goal,0)) AS `shotsOnGoal`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.stolen_balls,0)) AS `stolenBalls`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.penalties_committed,0)) AS `penaltiesCommitted`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.forced_penalties,0)) AS `forcedPenalties`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `isTitular`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `titularity`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goal_assistances,0)) AS `goalAssistances`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goals,0)) AS `goals`, SUM(IF(ga.id IS NOT NULL,1,0)) AS `gameAlignment`, COUNT(*) AS convocatory FROM game g INNER JOIN convocatoria c ON g.id = c.game_id INNER JOIN convocatoria_player cp ON c.id = cp.convocatoria_id AND cp.player_id = :player_id AND cp.is_active = 1 LEFT JOIN game_player_statistics gps ON g.id = gps.game_id AND gps.seasonplayer_id = :seasonplayer_id LEFT JOIN game_alignment ga ON ga.id = g.alignment_id AND ga.alignment LIKE :alignment WHERE g.id = :game_id AND g.deleted_at IS NULL
[ "player_id" => 36312 "seasonplayer_id" => 117140 "alignment" => "%"id":36312%" "game_id" => 35608 ] |
72 | 0.35 ms |
SELECT t0.player_id AS player_id_1, t0.convocatoria_id AS convocatoria_id_2, t0.is_active AS is_active_3, t0.justification_type_id AS justification_type_id_4 FROM convocatoria_player t0 WHERE t0.player_id = ? AND t0.convocatoria_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 36312 21024 ] |
73 | 0.54 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.lastname AS lastname_3, t0.age AS age_4, t0.weight AS weight_5, t0.height AS height_6, t0.shoes AS shoes_7, t0.image AS image_8, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_9, t0.skillful_leg AS skillful_leg_10, t0.is_active AS is_active_11, t0.birth_date AS birth_date_12, t0.phone AS phone_13, t0.email AS email_14, t0.number_document AS number_document_15, t0.health_card AS health_card_16, t0.date_of_birth AS date_of_birth_17, t0.medical_review_date AS medical_review_date_18, t0.last_club AS last_club_19, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_20, t0.position_id AS position_id_21, t0.secondary_position_id AS secondary_position_id_22, t0.country_id AS country_id_23 FROM player t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
74 | 2.59 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.games AS games_2, t0.goals AS goals_3, t0.yellow_card AS yellow_card_4, t0.red_card AS red_card_5, t0.dorsal AS dorsal_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_8, t0.season_id AS season_id_9, t0.player_id AS player_id_10 FROM season_player t0 WHERE t0.season_id = ? AND t0.player_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 26964 36311 ] |
75 | 4.04 ms |
SELECT SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL AND gps.minutes > 0,1,0)) AS countPlayed, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.minutes,0)) AS `minutes`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.red_cards,0)) AS `redCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.yellow_cards,0)) AS `yellowCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.kilometers_traveled,0)) AS `kilometersTraveled`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.shots_on_goal,0)) AS `shotsOnGoal`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.stolen_balls,0)) AS `stolenBalls`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.penalties_committed,0)) AS `penaltiesCommitted`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.forced_penalties,0)) AS `forcedPenalties`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `isTitular`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `titularity`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goal_assistances,0)) AS `goalAssistances`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goals,0)) AS `goals`, SUM(IF(ga.id IS NOT NULL,1,0)) AS `gameAlignment`, COUNT(*) AS convocatory FROM game g INNER JOIN convocatoria c ON g.id = c.game_id INNER JOIN convocatoria_player cp ON c.id = cp.convocatoria_id AND cp.player_id = :player_id AND cp.is_active = 1 LEFT JOIN game_player_statistics gps ON g.id = gps.game_id AND gps.seasonplayer_id = :seasonplayer_id LEFT JOIN game_alignment ga ON ga.id = g.alignment_id AND ga.alignment LIKE :alignment WHERE g.id = :game_id AND g.deleted_at IS NULL
[ "player_id" => 36311 "seasonplayer_id" => 117141 "alignment" => "%"id":36311%" "game_id" => 35608 ] |
76 | 0.90 ms |
SELECT t0.player_id AS player_id_1, t0.convocatoria_id AS convocatoria_id_2, t0.is_active AS is_active_3, t0.justification_type_id AS justification_type_id_4 FROM convocatoria_player t0 WHERE t0.player_id = ? AND t0.convocatoria_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 36311 21024 ] |
77 | 2.36 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.lastname AS lastname_3, t0.age AS age_4, t0.weight AS weight_5, t0.height AS height_6, t0.shoes AS shoes_7, t0.image AS image_8, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_9, t0.skillful_leg AS skillful_leg_10, t0.is_active AS is_active_11, t0.birth_date AS birth_date_12, t0.phone AS phone_13, t0.email AS email_14, t0.number_document AS number_document_15, t0.health_card AS health_card_16, t0.date_of_birth AS date_of_birth_17, t0.medical_review_date AS medical_review_date_18, t0.last_club AS last_club_19, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_20, t0.position_id AS position_id_21, t0.secondary_position_id AS secondary_position_id_22, t0.country_id AS country_id_23 FROM player t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
78 | 3.57 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.games AS games_2, t0.goals AS goals_3, t0.yellow_card AS yellow_card_4, t0.red_card AS red_card_5, t0.dorsal AS dorsal_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_8, t0.season_id AS season_id_9, t0.player_id AS player_id_10 FROM season_player t0 WHERE t0.season_id = ? AND t0.player_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 26964 36314 ] |
79 | 2.24 ms |
SELECT SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL AND gps.minutes > 0,1,0)) AS countPlayed, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.minutes,0)) AS `minutes`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.red_cards,0)) AS `redCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.yellow_cards,0)) AS `yellowCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.kilometers_traveled,0)) AS `kilometersTraveled`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.shots_on_goal,0)) AS `shotsOnGoal`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.stolen_balls,0)) AS `stolenBalls`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.penalties_committed,0)) AS `penaltiesCommitted`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.forced_penalties,0)) AS `forcedPenalties`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `isTitular`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `titularity`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goal_assistances,0)) AS `goalAssistances`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goals,0)) AS `goals`, SUM(IF(ga.id IS NOT NULL,1,0)) AS `gameAlignment`, COUNT(*) AS convocatory FROM game g INNER JOIN convocatoria c ON g.id = c.game_id INNER JOIN convocatoria_player cp ON c.id = cp.convocatoria_id AND cp.player_id = :player_id AND cp.is_active = 1 LEFT JOIN game_player_statistics gps ON g.id = gps.game_id AND gps.seasonplayer_id = :seasonplayer_id LEFT JOIN game_alignment ga ON ga.id = g.alignment_id AND ga.alignment LIKE :alignment WHERE g.id = :game_id AND g.deleted_at IS NULL
[ "player_id" => 36314 "seasonplayer_id" => 117142 "alignment" => "%"id":36314%" "game_id" => 35608 ] |
80 | 2.54 ms |
SELECT t0.player_id AS player_id_1, t0.convocatoria_id AS convocatoria_id_2, t0.is_active AS is_active_3, t0.justification_type_id AS justification_type_id_4 FROM convocatoria_player t0 WHERE t0.player_id = ? AND t0.convocatoria_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 36314 21024 ] |
81 | 0.57 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.lastname AS lastname_3, t0.age AS age_4, t0.weight AS weight_5, t0.height AS height_6, t0.shoes AS shoes_7, t0.image AS image_8, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_9, t0.skillful_leg AS skillful_leg_10, t0.is_active AS is_active_11, t0.birth_date AS birth_date_12, t0.phone AS phone_13, t0.email AS email_14, t0.number_document AS number_document_15, t0.health_card AS health_card_16, t0.date_of_birth AS date_of_birth_17, t0.medical_review_date AS medical_review_date_18, t0.last_club AS last_club_19, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_20, t0.position_id AS position_id_21, t0.secondary_position_id AS secondary_position_id_22, t0.country_id AS country_id_23 FROM player t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
82 | 0.65 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.games AS games_2, t0.goals AS goals_3, t0.yellow_card AS yellow_card_4, t0.red_card AS red_card_5, t0.dorsal AS dorsal_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_8, t0.season_id AS season_id_9, t0.player_id AS player_id_10 FROM season_player t0 WHERE t0.season_id = ? AND t0.player_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 26964 98946 ] |
83 | 1.18 ms |
SELECT SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL AND gps.minutes > 0,1,0)) AS countPlayed, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.minutes,0)) AS `minutes`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.red_cards,0)) AS `redCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.yellow_cards,0)) AS `yellowCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.kilometers_traveled,0)) AS `kilometersTraveled`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.shots_on_goal,0)) AS `shotsOnGoal`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.stolen_balls,0)) AS `stolenBalls`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.penalties_committed,0)) AS `penaltiesCommitted`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.forced_penalties,0)) AS `forcedPenalties`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `isTitular`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `titularity`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goal_assistances,0)) AS `goalAssistances`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goals,0)) AS `goals`, SUM(IF(ga.id IS NOT NULL,1,0)) AS `gameAlignment`, COUNT(*) AS convocatory FROM game g INNER JOIN convocatoria c ON g.id = c.game_id INNER JOIN convocatoria_player cp ON c.id = cp.convocatoria_id AND cp.player_id = :player_id AND cp.is_active = 1 LEFT JOIN game_player_statistics gps ON g.id = gps.game_id AND gps.seasonplayer_id = :seasonplayer_id LEFT JOIN game_alignment ga ON ga.id = g.alignment_id AND ga.alignment LIKE :alignment WHERE g.id = :game_id AND g.deleted_at IS NULL
[ "player_id" => 98946 "seasonplayer_id" => 117131 "alignment" => "%"id":98946%" "game_id" => 35608 ] |
84 | 0.42 ms |
SELECT t0.player_id AS player_id_1, t0.convocatoria_id AS convocatoria_id_2, t0.is_active AS is_active_3, t0.justification_type_id AS justification_type_id_4 FROM convocatoria_player t0 WHERE t0.player_id = ? AND t0.convocatoria_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 98946 21024 ] |
85 | 1.73 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.lastname AS lastname_3, t0.age AS age_4, t0.weight AS weight_5, t0.height AS height_6, t0.shoes AS shoes_7, t0.image AS image_8, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_9, t0.skillful_leg AS skillful_leg_10, t0.is_active AS is_active_11, t0.birth_date AS birth_date_12, t0.phone AS phone_13, t0.email AS email_14, t0.number_document AS number_document_15, t0.health_card AS health_card_16, t0.date_of_birth AS date_of_birth_17, t0.medical_review_date AS medical_review_date_18, t0.last_club AS last_club_19, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_20, t0.position_id AS position_id_21, t0.secondary_position_id AS secondary_position_id_22, t0.country_id AS country_id_23 FROM player t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
86 | 2.27 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.games AS games_2, t0.goals AS goals_3, t0.yellow_card AS yellow_card_4, t0.red_card AS red_card_5, t0.dorsal AS dorsal_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_8, t0.season_id AS season_id_9, t0.player_id AS player_id_10 FROM season_player t0 WHERE t0.season_id = ? AND t0.player_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 26964 36391 ] |
87 | 1.19 ms |
SELECT SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL AND gps.minutes > 0,1,0)) AS countPlayed, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.minutes,0)) AS `minutes`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.red_cards,0)) AS `redCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.yellow_cards,0)) AS `yellowCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.kilometers_traveled,0)) AS `kilometersTraveled`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.shots_on_goal,0)) AS `shotsOnGoal`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.stolen_balls,0)) AS `stolenBalls`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.penalties_committed,0)) AS `penaltiesCommitted`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.forced_penalties,0)) AS `forcedPenalties`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `isTitular`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `titularity`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goal_assistances,0)) AS `goalAssistances`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goals,0)) AS `goals`, SUM(IF(ga.id IS NOT NULL,1,0)) AS `gameAlignment`, COUNT(*) AS convocatory FROM game g INNER JOIN convocatoria c ON g.id = c.game_id INNER JOIN convocatoria_player cp ON c.id = cp.convocatoria_id AND cp.player_id = :player_id AND cp.is_active = 1 LEFT JOIN game_player_statistics gps ON g.id = gps.game_id AND gps.seasonplayer_id = :seasonplayer_id LEFT JOIN game_alignment ga ON ga.id = g.alignment_id AND ga.alignment LIKE :alignment WHERE g.id = :game_id AND g.deleted_at IS NULL
[ "player_id" => 36391 "seasonplayer_id" => 119474 "alignment" => "%"id":36391%" "game_id" => 35608 ] |
88 | 0.38 ms |
SELECT t0.player_id AS player_id_1, t0.convocatoria_id AS convocatoria_id_2, t0.is_active AS is_active_3, t0.justification_type_id AS justification_type_id_4 FROM convocatoria_player t0 WHERE t0.player_id = ? AND t0.convocatoria_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 36391 21024 ] |
89 | 0.59 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.lastname AS lastname_3, t0.age AS age_4, t0.weight AS weight_5, t0.height AS height_6, t0.shoes AS shoes_7, t0.image AS image_8, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_9, t0.skillful_leg AS skillful_leg_10, t0.is_active AS is_active_11, t0.birth_date AS birth_date_12, t0.phone AS phone_13, t0.email AS email_14, t0.number_document AS number_document_15, t0.health_card AS health_card_16, t0.date_of_birth AS date_of_birth_17, t0.medical_review_date AS medical_review_date_18, t0.last_club AS last_club_19, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_20, t0.position_id AS position_id_21, t0.secondary_position_id AS secondary_position_id_22, t0.country_id AS country_id_23 FROM player t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
90 | 0.67 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.games AS games_2, t0.goals AS goals_3, t0.yellow_card AS yellow_card_4, t0.red_card AS red_card_5, t0.dorsal AS dorsal_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_8, t0.season_id AS season_id_9, t0.player_id AS player_id_10 FROM season_player t0 WHERE t0.season_id = ? AND t0.player_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 26964 48262 ] |
91 | 1.16 ms |
SELECT SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL AND gps.minutes > 0,1,0)) AS countPlayed, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.minutes,0)) AS `minutes`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.red_cards,0)) AS `redCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.yellow_cards,0)) AS `yellowCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.kilometers_traveled,0)) AS `kilometersTraveled`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.shots_on_goal,0)) AS `shotsOnGoal`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.stolen_balls,0)) AS `stolenBalls`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.penalties_committed,0)) AS `penaltiesCommitted`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.forced_penalties,0)) AS `forcedPenalties`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `isTitular`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `titularity`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goal_assistances,0)) AS `goalAssistances`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goals,0)) AS `goals`, SUM(IF(ga.id IS NOT NULL,1,0)) AS `gameAlignment`, COUNT(*) AS convocatory FROM game g INNER JOIN convocatoria c ON g.id = c.game_id INNER JOIN convocatoria_player cp ON c.id = cp.convocatoria_id AND cp.player_id = :player_id AND cp.is_active = 1 LEFT JOIN game_player_statistics gps ON g.id = gps.game_id AND gps.seasonplayer_id = :seasonplayer_id LEFT JOIN game_alignment ga ON ga.id = g.alignment_id AND ga.alignment LIKE :alignment WHERE g.id = :game_id AND g.deleted_at IS NULL
[ "player_id" => 48262 "seasonplayer_id" => 117133 "alignment" => "%"id":48262%" "game_id" => 35608 ] |
92 | 0.39 ms |
SELECT t0.player_id AS player_id_1, t0.convocatoria_id AS convocatoria_id_2, t0.is_active AS is_active_3, t0.justification_type_id AS justification_type_id_4 FROM convocatoria_player t0 WHERE t0.player_id = ? AND t0.convocatoria_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 48262 21024 ] |
93 | 0.54 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.lastname AS lastname_3, t0.age AS age_4, t0.weight AS weight_5, t0.height AS height_6, t0.shoes AS shoes_7, t0.image AS image_8, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_9, t0.skillful_leg AS skillful_leg_10, t0.is_active AS is_active_11, t0.birth_date AS birth_date_12, t0.phone AS phone_13, t0.email AS email_14, t0.number_document AS number_document_15, t0.health_card AS health_card_16, t0.date_of_birth AS date_of_birth_17, t0.medical_review_date AS medical_review_date_18, t0.last_club AS last_club_19, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_20, t0.position_id AS position_id_21, t0.secondary_position_id AS secondary_position_id_22, t0.country_id AS country_id_23 FROM player t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
94 | 0.52 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.games AS games_2, t0.goals AS goals_3, t0.yellow_card AS yellow_card_4, t0.red_card AS red_card_5, t0.dorsal AS dorsal_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_8, t0.season_id AS season_id_9, t0.player_id AS player_id_10 FROM season_player t0 WHERE t0.season_id = ? AND t0.player_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 26964 116123 ] |
95 | 1.19 ms |
SELECT SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL AND gps.minutes > 0,1,0)) AS countPlayed, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.minutes,0)) AS `minutes`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.red_cards,0)) AS `redCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.yellow_cards,0)) AS `yellowCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.kilometers_traveled,0)) AS `kilometersTraveled`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.shots_on_goal,0)) AS `shotsOnGoal`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.stolen_balls,0)) AS `stolenBalls`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.penalties_committed,0)) AS `penaltiesCommitted`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.forced_penalties,0)) AS `forcedPenalties`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `isTitular`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `titularity`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goal_assistances,0)) AS `goalAssistances`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goals,0)) AS `goals`, SUM(IF(ga.id IS NOT NULL,1,0)) AS `gameAlignment`, COUNT(*) AS convocatory FROM game g INNER JOIN convocatoria c ON g.id = c.game_id INNER JOIN convocatoria_player cp ON c.id = cp.convocatoria_id AND cp.player_id = :player_id AND cp.is_active = 1 LEFT JOIN game_player_statistics gps ON g.id = gps.game_id AND gps.seasonplayer_id = :seasonplayer_id LEFT JOIN game_alignment ga ON ga.id = g.alignment_id AND ga.alignment LIKE :alignment WHERE g.id = :game_id AND g.deleted_at IS NULL
[ "player_id" => 116123 "seasonplayer_id" => 119029 "alignment" => "%"id":116123%" "game_id" => 35608 ] |
96 | 0.43 ms |
SELECT t0.player_id AS player_id_1, t0.convocatoria_id AS convocatoria_id_2, t0.is_active AS is_active_3, t0.justification_type_id AS justification_type_id_4 FROM convocatoria_player t0 WHERE t0.player_id = ? AND t0.convocatoria_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 116123 21024 ] |
97 | 0.51 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.lastname AS lastname_3, t0.age AS age_4, t0.weight AS weight_5, t0.height AS height_6, t0.shoes AS shoes_7, t0.image AS image_8, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_9, t0.skillful_leg AS skillful_leg_10, t0.is_active AS is_active_11, t0.birth_date AS birth_date_12, t0.phone AS phone_13, t0.email AS email_14, t0.number_document AS number_document_15, t0.health_card AS health_card_16, t0.date_of_birth AS date_of_birth_17, t0.medical_review_date AS medical_review_date_18, t0.last_club AS last_club_19, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_20, t0.position_id AS position_id_21, t0.secondary_position_id AS secondary_position_id_22, t0.country_id AS country_id_23 FROM player t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
98 | 0.64 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.games AS games_2, t0.goals AS goals_3, t0.yellow_card AS yellow_card_4, t0.red_card AS red_card_5, t0.dorsal AS dorsal_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_8, t0.season_id AS season_id_9, t0.player_id AS player_id_10 FROM season_player t0 WHERE t0.season_id = ? AND t0.player_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 26964 39028 ] |
99 | 1.23 ms |
SELECT SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL AND gps.minutes > 0,1,0)) AS countPlayed, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.minutes,0)) AS `minutes`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.red_cards,0)) AS `redCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.yellow_cards,0)) AS `yellowCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.kilometers_traveled,0)) AS `kilometersTraveled`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.shots_on_goal,0)) AS `shotsOnGoal`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.stolen_balls,0)) AS `stolenBalls`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.penalties_committed,0)) AS `penaltiesCommitted`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.forced_penalties,0)) AS `forcedPenalties`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `isTitular`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `titularity`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goal_assistances,0)) AS `goalAssistances`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goals,0)) AS `goals`, SUM(IF(ga.id IS NOT NULL,1,0)) AS `gameAlignment`, COUNT(*) AS convocatory FROM game g INNER JOIN convocatoria c ON g.id = c.game_id INNER JOIN convocatoria_player cp ON c.id = cp.convocatoria_id AND cp.player_id = :player_id AND cp.is_active = 1 LEFT JOIN game_player_statistics gps ON g.id = gps.game_id AND gps.seasonplayer_id = :seasonplayer_id LEFT JOIN game_alignment ga ON ga.id = g.alignment_id AND ga.alignment LIKE :alignment WHERE g.id = :game_id AND g.deleted_at IS NULL
[ "player_id" => 39028 "seasonplayer_id" => 117143 "alignment" => "%"id":39028%" "game_id" => 35608 ] |
100 | 0.40 ms |
SELECT t0.player_id AS player_id_1, t0.convocatoria_id AS convocatoria_id_2, t0.is_active AS is_active_3, t0.justification_type_id AS justification_type_id_4 FROM convocatoria_player t0 WHERE t0.player_id = ? AND t0.convocatoria_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 39028 21024 ] |
101 | 0.54 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.lastname AS lastname_3, t0.age AS age_4, t0.weight AS weight_5, t0.height AS height_6, t0.shoes AS shoes_7, t0.image AS image_8, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_9, t0.skillful_leg AS skillful_leg_10, t0.is_active AS is_active_11, t0.birth_date AS birth_date_12, t0.phone AS phone_13, t0.email AS email_14, t0.number_document AS number_document_15, t0.health_card AS health_card_16, t0.date_of_birth AS date_of_birth_17, t0.medical_review_date AS medical_review_date_18, t0.last_club AS last_club_19, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_20, t0.position_id AS position_id_21, t0.secondary_position_id AS secondary_position_id_22, t0.country_id AS country_id_23 FROM player t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
102 | 0.63 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.games AS games_2, t0.goals AS goals_3, t0.yellow_card AS yellow_card_4, t0.red_card AS red_card_5, t0.dorsal AS dorsal_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_8, t0.season_id AS season_id_9, t0.player_id AS player_id_10 FROM season_player t0 WHERE t0.season_id = ? AND t0.player_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 26964 36315 ] |
103 | 0.91 ms |
SELECT SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL AND gps.minutes > 0,1,0)) AS countPlayed, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.minutes,0)) AS `minutes`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.red_cards,0)) AS `redCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.yellow_cards,0)) AS `yellowCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.kilometers_traveled,0)) AS `kilometersTraveled`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.shots_on_goal,0)) AS `shotsOnGoal`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.stolen_balls,0)) AS `stolenBalls`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.penalties_committed,0)) AS `penaltiesCommitted`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.forced_penalties,0)) AS `forcedPenalties`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `isTitular`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `titularity`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goal_assistances,0)) AS `goalAssistances`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goals,0)) AS `goals`, SUM(IF(ga.id IS NOT NULL,1,0)) AS `gameAlignment`, COUNT(*) AS convocatory FROM game g INNER JOIN convocatoria c ON g.id = c.game_id INNER JOIN convocatoria_player cp ON c.id = cp.convocatoria_id AND cp.player_id = :player_id AND cp.is_active = 1 LEFT JOIN game_player_statistics gps ON g.id = gps.game_id AND gps.seasonplayer_id = :seasonplayer_id LEFT JOIN game_alignment ga ON ga.id = g.alignment_id AND ga.alignment LIKE :alignment WHERE g.id = :game_id AND g.deleted_at IS NULL
[ "player_id" => 36315 "seasonplayer_id" => 117135 "alignment" => "%"id":36315%" "game_id" => 35608 ] |
104 | 0.37 ms |
SELECT t0.player_id AS player_id_1, t0.convocatoria_id AS convocatoria_id_2, t0.is_active AS is_active_3, t0.justification_type_id AS justification_type_id_4 FROM convocatoria_player t0 WHERE t0.player_id = ? AND t0.convocatoria_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 36315 21024 ] |
105 | 0.70 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.lastname AS lastname_3, t0.age AS age_4, t0.weight AS weight_5, t0.height AS height_6, t0.shoes AS shoes_7, t0.image AS image_8, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_9, t0.skillful_leg AS skillful_leg_10, t0.is_active AS is_active_11, t0.birth_date AS birth_date_12, t0.phone AS phone_13, t0.email AS email_14, t0.number_document AS number_document_15, t0.health_card AS health_card_16, t0.date_of_birth AS date_of_birth_17, t0.medical_review_date AS medical_review_date_18, t0.last_club AS last_club_19, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_20, t0.position_id AS position_id_21, t0.secondary_position_id AS secondary_position_id_22, t0.country_id AS country_id_23 FROM player t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
106 | 0.65 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.games AS games_2, t0.goals AS goals_3, t0.yellow_card AS yellow_card_4, t0.red_card AS red_card_5, t0.dorsal AS dorsal_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_8, t0.season_id AS season_id_9, t0.player_id AS player_id_10 FROM season_player t0 WHERE t0.season_id = ? AND t0.player_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 26964 116111 ] |
107 | 1.10 ms |
SELECT SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL AND gps.minutes > 0,1,0)) AS countPlayed, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.minutes,0)) AS `minutes`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.red_cards,0)) AS `redCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.yellow_cards,0)) AS `yellowCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.kilometers_traveled,0)) AS `kilometersTraveled`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.shots_on_goal,0)) AS `shotsOnGoal`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.stolen_balls,0)) AS `stolenBalls`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.penalties_committed,0)) AS `penaltiesCommitted`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.forced_penalties,0)) AS `forcedPenalties`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `isTitular`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `titularity`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goal_assistances,0)) AS `goalAssistances`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goals,0)) AS `goals`, SUM(IF(ga.id IS NOT NULL,1,0)) AS `gameAlignment`, COUNT(*) AS convocatory FROM game g INNER JOIN convocatoria c ON g.id = c.game_id INNER JOIN convocatoria_player cp ON c.id = cp.convocatoria_id AND cp.player_id = :player_id AND cp.is_active = 1 LEFT JOIN game_player_statistics gps ON g.id = gps.game_id AND gps.seasonplayer_id = :seasonplayer_id LEFT JOIN game_alignment ga ON ga.id = g.alignment_id AND ga.alignment LIKE :alignment WHERE g.id = :game_id AND g.deleted_at IS NULL
[ "player_id" => 116111 "seasonplayer_id" => 119017 "alignment" => "%"id":116111%" "game_id" => 35608 ] |
108 | 0.40 ms |
SELECT t0.player_id AS player_id_1, t0.convocatoria_id AS convocatoria_id_2, t0.is_active AS is_active_3, t0.justification_type_id AS justification_type_id_4 FROM convocatoria_player t0 WHERE t0.player_id = ? AND t0.convocatoria_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 116111 21024 ] |
109 | 0.51 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.lastname AS lastname_3, t0.age AS age_4, t0.weight AS weight_5, t0.height AS height_6, t0.shoes AS shoes_7, t0.image AS image_8, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_9, t0.skillful_leg AS skillful_leg_10, t0.is_active AS is_active_11, t0.birth_date AS birth_date_12, t0.phone AS phone_13, t0.email AS email_14, t0.number_document AS number_document_15, t0.health_card AS health_card_16, t0.date_of_birth AS date_of_birth_17, t0.medical_review_date AS medical_review_date_18, t0.last_club AS last_club_19, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_20, t0.position_id AS position_id_21, t0.secondary_position_id AS secondary_position_id_22, t0.country_id AS country_id_23 FROM player t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
110 | 0.62 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.games AS games_2, t0.goals AS goals_3, t0.yellow_card AS yellow_card_4, t0.red_card AS red_card_5, t0.dorsal AS dorsal_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_8, t0.season_id AS season_id_9, t0.player_id AS player_id_10 FROM season_player t0 WHERE t0.season_id = ? AND t0.player_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 26964 36371 ] |
111 | 0.82 ms |
SELECT SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL AND gps.minutes > 0,1,0)) AS countPlayed, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.minutes,0)) AS `minutes`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.red_cards,0)) AS `redCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.yellow_cards,0)) AS `yellowCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.kilometers_traveled,0)) AS `kilometersTraveled`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.shots_on_goal,0)) AS `shotsOnGoal`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.stolen_balls,0)) AS `stolenBalls`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.penalties_committed,0)) AS `penaltiesCommitted`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.forced_penalties,0)) AS `forcedPenalties`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `isTitular`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `titularity`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goal_assistances,0)) AS `goalAssistances`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goals,0)) AS `goals`, SUM(IF(ga.id IS NOT NULL,1,0)) AS `gameAlignment`, COUNT(*) AS convocatory FROM game g INNER JOIN convocatoria c ON g.id = c.game_id INNER JOIN convocatoria_player cp ON c.id = cp.convocatoria_id AND cp.player_id = :player_id AND cp.is_active = 1 LEFT JOIN game_player_statistics gps ON g.id = gps.game_id AND gps.seasonplayer_id = :seasonplayer_id LEFT JOIN game_alignment ga ON ga.id = g.alignment_id AND ga.alignment LIKE :alignment WHERE g.id = :game_id AND g.deleted_at IS NULL
[ "player_id" => 36371 "seasonplayer_id" => 117136 "alignment" => "%"id":36371%" "game_id" => 35608 ] |
112 | 0.38 ms |
SELECT t0.player_id AS player_id_1, t0.convocatoria_id AS convocatoria_id_2, t0.is_active AS is_active_3, t0.justification_type_id AS justification_type_id_4 FROM convocatoria_player t0 WHERE t0.player_id = ? AND t0.convocatoria_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 36371 21024 ] |
113 | 0.57 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.lastname AS lastname_3, t0.age AS age_4, t0.weight AS weight_5, t0.height AS height_6, t0.shoes AS shoes_7, t0.image AS image_8, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_9, t0.skillful_leg AS skillful_leg_10, t0.is_active AS is_active_11, t0.birth_date AS birth_date_12, t0.phone AS phone_13, t0.email AS email_14, t0.number_document AS number_document_15, t0.health_card AS health_card_16, t0.date_of_birth AS date_of_birth_17, t0.medical_review_date AS medical_review_date_18, t0.last_club AS last_club_19, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_20, t0.position_id AS position_id_21, t0.secondary_position_id AS secondary_position_id_22, t0.country_id AS country_id_23 FROM player t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
114 | 0.54 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.games AS games_2, t0.goals AS goals_3, t0.yellow_card AS yellow_card_4, t0.red_card AS red_card_5, t0.dorsal AS dorsal_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_8, t0.season_id AS season_id_9, t0.player_id AS player_id_10 FROM season_player t0 WHERE t0.season_id = ? AND t0.player_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 26964 122504 ] |
115 | 1.19 ms |
SELECT SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL AND gps.minutes > 0,1,0)) AS countPlayed, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.minutes,0)) AS `minutes`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.red_cards,0)) AS `redCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.yellow_cards,0)) AS `yellowCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.kilometers_traveled,0)) AS `kilometersTraveled`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.shots_on_goal,0)) AS `shotsOnGoal`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.stolen_balls,0)) AS `stolenBalls`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.penalties_committed,0)) AS `penaltiesCommitted`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.forced_penalties,0)) AS `forcedPenalties`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `isTitular`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `titularity`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goal_assistances,0)) AS `goalAssistances`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goals,0)) AS `goals`, SUM(IF(ga.id IS NOT NULL,1,0)) AS `gameAlignment`, COUNT(*) AS convocatory FROM game g INNER JOIN convocatoria c ON g.id = c.game_id INNER JOIN convocatoria_player cp ON c.id = cp.convocatoria_id AND cp.player_id = :player_id AND cp.is_active = 1 LEFT JOIN game_player_statistics gps ON g.id = gps.game_id AND gps.seasonplayer_id = :seasonplayer_id LEFT JOIN game_alignment ga ON ga.id = g.alignment_id AND ga.alignment LIKE :alignment WHERE g.id = :game_id AND g.deleted_at IS NULL
[ "player_id" => 122504 "seasonplayer_id" => 125704 "alignment" => "%"id":122504%" "game_id" => 35608 ] |
116 | 0.43 ms |
SELECT t0.player_id AS player_id_1, t0.convocatoria_id AS convocatoria_id_2, t0.is_active AS is_active_3, t0.justification_type_id AS justification_type_id_4 FROM convocatoria_player t0 WHERE t0.player_id = ? AND t0.convocatoria_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 122504 21024 ] |
117 | 0.67 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.lastname AS lastname_3, t0.age AS age_4, t0.weight AS weight_5, t0.height AS height_6, t0.shoes AS shoes_7, t0.image AS image_8, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_9, t0.skillful_leg AS skillful_leg_10, t0.is_active AS is_active_11, t0.birth_date AS birth_date_12, t0.phone AS phone_13, t0.email AS email_14, t0.number_document AS number_document_15, t0.health_card AS health_card_16, t0.date_of_birth AS date_of_birth_17, t0.medical_review_date AS medical_review_date_18, t0.last_club AS last_club_19, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_20, t0.position_id AS position_id_21, t0.secondary_position_id AS secondary_position_id_22, t0.country_id AS country_id_23 FROM player t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
118 | 0.70 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.games AS games_2, t0.goals AS goals_3, t0.yellow_card AS yellow_card_4, t0.red_card AS red_card_5, t0.dorsal AS dorsal_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_8, t0.season_id AS season_id_9, t0.player_id AS player_id_10 FROM season_player t0 WHERE t0.season_id = ? AND t0.player_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 26964 116116 ] |
119 | 1.33 ms |
SELECT SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL AND gps.minutes > 0,1,0)) AS countPlayed, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.minutes,0)) AS `minutes`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.red_cards,0)) AS `redCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.yellow_cards,0)) AS `yellowCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.kilometers_traveled,0)) AS `kilometersTraveled`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.shots_on_goal,0)) AS `shotsOnGoal`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.stolen_balls,0)) AS `stolenBalls`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.penalties_committed,0)) AS `penaltiesCommitted`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.forced_penalties,0)) AS `forcedPenalties`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `isTitular`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `titularity`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goal_assistances,0)) AS `goalAssistances`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goals,0)) AS `goals`, SUM(IF(ga.id IS NOT NULL,1,0)) AS `gameAlignment`, COUNT(*) AS convocatory FROM game g INNER JOIN convocatoria c ON g.id = c.game_id INNER JOIN convocatoria_player cp ON c.id = cp.convocatoria_id AND cp.player_id = :player_id AND cp.is_active = 1 LEFT JOIN game_player_statistics gps ON g.id = gps.game_id AND gps.seasonplayer_id = :seasonplayer_id LEFT JOIN game_alignment ga ON ga.id = g.alignment_id AND ga.alignment LIKE :alignment WHERE g.id = :game_id AND g.deleted_at IS NULL
[ "player_id" => 116116 "seasonplayer_id" => 119022 "alignment" => "%"id":116116%" "game_id" => 35608 ] |
120 | 0.39 ms |
SELECT t0.player_id AS player_id_1, t0.convocatoria_id AS convocatoria_id_2, t0.is_active AS is_active_3, t0.justification_type_id AS justification_type_id_4 FROM convocatoria_player t0 WHERE t0.player_id = ? AND t0.convocatoria_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 116116 21024 ] |
121 | 0.54 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.lastname AS lastname_3, t0.age AS age_4, t0.weight AS weight_5, t0.height AS height_6, t0.shoes AS shoes_7, t0.image AS image_8, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_9, t0.skillful_leg AS skillful_leg_10, t0.is_active AS is_active_11, t0.birth_date AS birth_date_12, t0.phone AS phone_13, t0.email AS email_14, t0.number_document AS number_document_15, t0.health_card AS health_card_16, t0.date_of_birth AS date_of_birth_17, t0.medical_review_date AS medical_review_date_18, t0.last_club AS last_club_19, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_20, t0.position_id AS position_id_21, t0.secondary_position_id AS secondary_position_id_22, t0.country_id AS country_id_23 FROM player t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
122 | 0.52 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.lastname AS lastname_3, t0.age AS age_4, t0.weight AS weight_5, t0.height AS height_6, t0.shoes AS shoes_7, t0.image AS image_8, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_9, t0.skillful_leg AS skillful_leg_10, t0.is_active AS is_active_11, t0.birth_date AS birth_date_12, t0.phone AS phone_13, t0.email AS email_14, t0.number_document AS number_document_15, t0.health_card AS health_card_16, t0.date_of_birth AS date_of_birth_17, t0.medical_review_date AS medical_review_date_18, t0.last_club AS last_club_19, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_20, t0.position_id AS position_id_21, t0.secondary_position_id AS secondary_position_id_22, t0.country_id AS country_id_23 FROM player t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
123 | 0.51 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.games AS games_2, t0.goals AS goals_3, t0.yellow_card AS yellow_card_4, t0.red_card AS red_card_5, t0.dorsal AS dorsal_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_8, t0.season_id AS season_id_9, t0.player_id AS player_id_10 FROM season_player t0 WHERE t0.season_id = ? AND t0.player_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 26964 116120 ] |
124 | 1.19 ms |
SELECT SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL AND gps.minutes > 0,1,0)) AS countPlayed, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.minutes,0)) AS `minutes`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.red_cards,0)) AS `redCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.yellow_cards,0)) AS `yellowCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.kilometers_traveled,0)) AS `kilometersTraveled`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.shots_on_goal,0)) AS `shotsOnGoal`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.stolen_balls,0)) AS `stolenBalls`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.penalties_committed,0)) AS `penaltiesCommitted`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.forced_penalties,0)) AS `forcedPenalties`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `isTitular`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `titularity`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goal_assistances,0)) AS `goalAssistances`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goals,0)) AS `goals`, SUM(IF(ga.id IS NOT NULL,1,0)) AS `gameAlignment`, COUNT(*) AS convocatory FROM game g INNER JOIN convocatoria c ON g.id = c.game_id INNER JOIN convocatoria_player cp ON c.id = cp.convocatoria_id AND cp.player_id = :player_id AND cp.is_active = 1 LEFT JOIN game_player_statistics gps ON g.id = gps.game_id AND gps.seasonplayer_id = :seasonplayer_id LEFT JOIN game_alignment ga ON ga.id = g.alignment_id AND ga.alignment LIKE :alignment WHERE g.id = :game_id AND g.deleted_at IS NULL
[ "player_id" => 116120 "seasonplayer_id" => 119026 "alignment" => "%"id":116120%" "game_id" => 35608 ] |
125 | 0.40 ms |
SELECT t0.player_id AS player_id_1, t0.convocatoria_id AS convocatoria_id_2, t0.is_active AS is_active_3, t0.justification_type_id AS justification_type_id_4 FROM convocatoria_player t0 WHERE t0.player_id = ? AND t0.convocatoria_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 116120 21024 ] |
126 | 0.50 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.lastname AS lastname_3, t0.age AS age_4, t0.weight AS weight_5, t0.height AS height_6, t0.shoes AS shoes_7, t0.image AS image_8, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_9, t0.skillful_leg AS skillful_leg_10, t0.is_active AS is_active_11, t0.birth_date AS birth_date_12, t0.phone AS phone_13, t0.email AS email_14, t0.number_document AS number_document_15, t0.health_card AS health_card_16, t0.date_of_birth AS date_of_birth_17, t0.medical_review_date AS medical_review_date_18, t0.last_club AS last_club_19, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_20, t0.position_id AS position_id_21, t0.secondary_position_id AS secondary_position_id_22, t0.country_id AS country_id_23 FROM player t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
127 | 0.56 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.games AS games_2, t0.goals AS goals_3, t0.yellow_card AS yellow_card_4, t0.red_card AS red_card_5, t0.dorsal AS dorsal_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_8, t0.season_id AS season_id_9, t0.player_id AS player_id_10 FROM season_player t0 WHERE t0.season_id = ? AND t0.player_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 26964 123737 ] |
128 | 1.13 ms |
SELECT SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL AND gps.minutes > 0,1,0)) AS countPlayed, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.minutes,0)) AS `minutes`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.red_cards,0)) AS `redCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.yellow_cards,0)) AS `yellowCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.kilometers_traveled,0)) AS `kilometersTraveled`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.shots_on_goal,0)) AS `shotsOnGoal`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.stolen_balls,0)) AS `stolenBalls`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.penalties_committed,0)) AS `penaltiesCommitted`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.forced_penalties,0)) AS `forcedPenalties`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `isTitular`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `titularity`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goal_assistances,0)) AS `goalAssistances`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goals,0)) AS `goals`, SUM(IF(ga.id IS NOT NULL,1,0)) AS `gameAlignment`, COUNT(*) AS convocatory FROM game g INNER JOIN convocatoria c ON g.id = c.game_id INNER JOIN convocatoria_player cp ON c.id = cp.convocatoria_id AND cp.player_id = :player_id AND cp.is_active = 1 LEFT JOIN game_player_statistics gps ON g.id = gps.game_id AND gps.seasonplayer_id = :seasonplayer_id LEFT JOIN game_alignment ga ON ga.id = g.alignment_id AND ga.alignment LIKE :alignment WHERE g.id = :game_id AND g.deleted_at IS NULL
[ "player_id" => 123737 "seasonplayer_id" => 126989 "alignment" => "%"id":123737%" "game_id" => 35608 ] |
129 | 0.45 ms |
SELECT t0.player_id AS player_id_1, t0.convocatoria_id AS convocatoria_id_2, t0.is_active AS is_active_3, t0.justification_type_id AS justification_type_id_4 FROM convocatoria_player t0 WHERE t0.player_id = ? AND t0.convocatoria_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 123737 21024 ] |
130 | 0.51 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.lastname AS lastname_3, t0.age AS age_4, t0.weight AS weight_5, t0.height AS height_6, t0.shoes AS shoes_7, t0.image AS image_8, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_9, t0.skillful_leg AS skillful_leg_10, t0.is_active AS is_active_11, t0.birth_date AS birth_date_12, t0.phone AS phone_13, t0.email AS email_14, t0.number_document AS number_document_15, t0.health_card AS health_card_16, t0.date_of_birth AS date_of_birth_17, t0.medical_review_date AS medical_review_date_18, t0.last_club AS last_club_19, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_20, t0.position_id AS position_id_21, t0.secondary_position_id AS secondary_position_id_22, t0.country_id AS country_id_23 FROM player t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
131 | 0.57 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.games AS games_2, t0.goals AS goals_3, t0.yellow_card AS yellow_card_4, t0.red_card AS red_card_5, t0.dorsal AS dorsal_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_8, t0.season_id AS season_id_9, t0.player_id AS player_id_10 FROM season_player t0 WHERE t0.season_id = ? AND t0.player_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 26964 116109 ] |
132 | 0.92 ms |
SELECT SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL AND gps.minutes > 0,1,0)) AS countPlayed, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.minutes,0)) AS `minutes`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.red_cards,0)) AS `redCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.yellow_cards,0)) AS `yellowCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.kilometers_traveled,0)) AS `kilometersTraveled`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.shots_on_goal,0)) AS `shotsOnGoal`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.stolen_balls,0)) AS `stolenBalls`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.penalties_committed,0)) AS `penaltiesCommitted`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.forced_penalties,0)) AS `forcedPenalties`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `isTitular`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `titularity`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goal_assistances,0)) AS `goalAssistances`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goals,0)) AS `goals`, SUM(IF(ga.id IS NOT NULL,1,0)) AS `gameAlignment`, COUNT(*) AS convocatory FROM game g INNER JOIN convocatoria c ON g.id = c.game_id INNER JOIN convocatoria_player cp ON c.id = cp.convocatoria_id AND cp.player_id = :player_id AND cp.is_active = 1 LEFT JOIN game_player_statistics gps ON g.id = gps.game_id AND gps.seasonplayer_id = :seasonplayer_id LEFT JOIN game_alignment ga ON ga.id = g.alignment_id AND ga.alignment LIKE :alignment WHERE g.id = :game_id AND g.deleted_at IS NULL
[ "player_id" => 116109 "seasonplayer_id" => 119015 "alignment" => "%"id":116109%" "game_id" => 35608 ] |
133 | 0.40 ms |
SELECT t0.player_id AS player_id_1, t0.convocatoria_id AS convocatoria_id_2, t0.is_active AS is_active_3, t0.justification_type_id AS justification_type_id_4 FROM convocatoria_player t0 WHERE t0.player_id = ? AND t0.convocatoria_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 116109 21024 ] |
134 | 0.52 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.lastname AS lastname_3, t0.age AS age_4, t0.weight AS weight_5, t0.height AS height_6, t0.shoes AS shoes_7, t0.image AS image_8, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_9, t0.skillful_leg AS skillful_leg_10, t0.is_active AS is_active_11, t0.birth_date AS birth_date_12, t0.phone AS phone_13, t0.email AS email_14, t0.number_document AS number_document_15, t0.health_card AS health_card_16, t0.date_of_birth AS date_of_birth_17, t0.medical_review_date AS medical_review_date_18, t0.last_club AS last_club_19, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_20, t0.position_id AS position_id_21, t0.secondary_position_id AS secondary_position_id_22, t0.country_id AS country_id_23 FROM player t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
135 | 0.52 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.games AS games_2, t0.goals AS goals_3, t0.yellow_card AS yellow_card_4, t0.red_card AS red_card_5, t0.dorsal AS dorsal_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_8, t0.season_id AS season_id_9, t0.player_id AS player_id_10 FROM season_player t0 WHERE t0.season_id = ? AND t0.player_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 26964 116121 ] |
136 | 0.92 ms |
SELECT SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL AND gps.minutes > 0,1,0)) AS countPlayed, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.minutes,0)) AS `minutes`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.red_cards,0)) AS `redCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.yellow_cards,0)) AS `yellowCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.kilometers_traveled,0)) AS `kilometersTraveled`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.shots_on_goal,0)) AS `shotsOnGoal`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.stolen_balls,0)) AS `stolenBalls`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.penalties_committed,0)) AS `penaltiesCommitted`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.forced_penalties,0)) AS `forcedPenalties`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `isTitular`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `titularity`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goal_assistances,0)) AS `goalAssistances`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goals,0)) AS `goals`, SUM(IF(ga.id IS NOT NULL,1,0)) AS `gameAlignment`, COUNT(*) AS convocatory FROM game g INNER JOIN convocatoria c ON g.id = c.game_id INNER JOIN convocatoria_player cp ON c.id = cp.convocatoria_id AND cp.player_id = :player_id AND cp.is_active = 1 LEFT JOIN game_player_statistics gps ON g.id = gps.game_id AND gps.seasonplayer_id = :seasonplayer_id LEFT JOIN game_alignment ga ON ga.id = g.alignment_id AND ga.alignment LIKE :alignment WHERE g.id = :game_id AND g.deleted_at IS NULL
[ "player_id" => 116121 "seasonplayer_id" => 119027 "alignment" => "%"id":116121%" "game_id" => 35608 ] |
137 | 0.39 ms |
SELECT t0.player_id AS player_id_1, t0.convocatoria_id AS convocatoria_id_2, t0.is_active AS is_active_3, t0.justification_type_id AS justification_type_id_4 FROM convocatoria_player t0 WHERE t0.player_id = ? AND t0.convocatoria_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 116121 21024 ] |
138 | 0.88 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.lastname AS lastname_3, t0.age AS age_4, t0.weight AS weight_5, t0.height AS height_6, t0.shoes AS shoes_7, t0.image AS image_8, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_9, t0.skillful_leg AS skillful_leg_10, t0.is_active AS is_active_11, t0.birth_date AS birth_date_12, t0.phone AS phone_13, t0.email AS email_14, t0.number_document AS number_document_15, t0.health_card AS health_card_16, t0.date_of_birth AS date_of_birth_17, t0.medical_review_date AS medical_review_date_18, t0.last_club AS last_club_19, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_20, t0.position_id AS position_id_21, t0.secondary_position_id AS secondary_position_id_22, t0.country_id AS country_id_23 FROM player t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
139 | 4.41 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.games AS games_2, t0.goals AS goals_3, t0.yellow_card AS yellow_card_4, t0.red_card AS red_card_5, t0.dorsal AS dorsal_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_8, t0.season_id AS season_id_9, t0.player_id AS player_id_10 FROM season_player t0 WHERE t0.season_id = ? AND t0.player_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 26964 116908 ] |
140 | 5.93 ms |
SELECT SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL AND gps.minutes > 0,1,0)) AS countPlayed, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.minutes,0)) AS `minutes`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.red_cards,0)) AS `redCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.yellow_cards,0)) AS `yellowCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.kilometers_traveled,0)) AS `kilometersTraveled`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.shots_on_goal,0)) AS `shotsOnGoal`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.stolen_balls,0)) AS `stolenBalls`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.penalties_committed,0)) AS `penaltiesCommitted`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.forced_penalties,0)) AS `forcedPenalties`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `isTitular`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `titularity`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goal_assistances,0)) AS `goalAssistances`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goals,0)) AS `goals`, SUM(IF(ga.id IS NOT NULL,1,0)) AS `gameAlignment`, COUNT(*) AS convocatory FROM game g INNER JOIN convocatoria c ON g.id = c.game_id INNER JOIN convocatoria_player cp ON c.id = cp.convocatoria_id AND cp.player_id = :player_id AND cp.is_active = 1 LEFT JOIN game_player_statistics gps ON g.id = gps.game_id AND gps.seasonplayer_id = :seasonplayer_id LEFT JOIN game_alignment ga ON ga.id = g.alignment_id AND ga.alignment LIKE :alignment WHERE g.id = :game_id AND g.deleted_at IS NULL
[ "player_id" => 116908 "seasonplayer_id" => 119848 "alignment" => "%"id":116908%" "game_id" => 35608 ] |
141 | 0.52 ms |
SELECT t0.player_id AS player_id_1, t0.convocatoria_id AS convocatoria_id_2, t0.is_active AS is_active_3, t0.justification_type_id AS justification_type_id_4 FROM convocatoria_player t0 WHERE t0.player_id = ? AND t0.convocatoria_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 116908 21024 ] |
142 | 5.81 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.lastname AS lastname_3, t0.age AS age_4, t0.weight AS weight_5, t0.height AS height_6, t0.shoes AS shoes_7, t0.image AS image_8, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_9, t0.skillful_leg AS skillful_leg_10, t0.is_active AS is_active_11, t0.birth_date AS birth_date_12, t0.phone AS phone_13, t0.email AS email_14, t0.number_document AS number_document_15, t0.health_card AS health_card_16, t0.date_of_birth AS date_of_birth_17, t0.medical_review_date AS medical_review_date_18, t0.last_club AS last_club_19, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_20, t0.position_id AS position_id_21, t0.secondary_position_id AS secondary_position_id_22, t0.country_id AS country_id_23 FROM player t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
143 | 0.81 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.lastname AS lastname_3, t0.age AS age_4, t0.weight AS weight_5, t0.height AS height_6, t0.shoes AS shoes_7, t0.image AS image_8, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_9, t0.skillful_leg AS skillful_leg_10, t0.is_active AS is_active_11, t0.birth_date AS birth_date_12, t0.phone AS phone_13, t0.email AS email_14, t0.number_document AS number_document_15, t0.health_card AS health_card_16, t0.date_of_birth AS date_of_birth_17, t0.medical_review_date AS medical_review_date_18, t0.last_club AS last_club_19, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_20, t0.position_id AS position_id_21, t0.secondary_position_id AS secondary_position_id_22, t0.country_id AS country_id_23 FROM player t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
144 | 0.71 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.lastname AS lastname_3, t0.age AS age_4, t0.weight AS weight_5, t0.height AS height_6, t0.shoes AS shoes_7, t0.image AS image_8, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_9, t0.skillful_leg AS skillful_leg_10, t0.is_active AS is_active_11, t0.birth_date AS birth_date_12, t0.phone AS phone_13, t0.email AS email_14, t0.number_document AS number_document_15, t0.health_card AS health_card_16, t0.date_of_birth AS date_of_birth_17, t0.medical_review_date AS medical_review_date_18, t0.last_club AS last_club_19, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_20, t0.position_id AS position_id_21, t0.secondary_position_id AS secondary_position_id_22, t0.country_id AS country_id_23 FROM player t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
145 | 0.84 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.games AS games_2, t0.goals AS goals_3, t0.yellow_card AS yellow_card_4, t0.red_card AS red_card_5, t0.dorsal AS dorsal_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_8, t0.season_id AS season_id_9, t0.player_id AS player_id_10 FROM season_player t0 WHERE t0.season_id = ? AND t0.player_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 26964 36310 ] |
146 | 1.36 ms |
SELECT SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL AND gps.minutes > 0,1,0)) AS countPlayed, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.minutes,0)) AS `minutes`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.red_cards,0)) AS `redCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.yellow_cards,0)) AS `yellowCards`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.kilometers_traveled,0)) AS `kilometersTraveled`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.shots_on_goal,0)) AS `shotsOnGoal`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.stolen_balls,0)) AS `stolenBalls`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.penalties_committed,0)) AS `penaltiesCommitted`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.forced_penalties,0)) AS `forcedPenalties`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `isTitular`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.is_titular,0)) AS `titularity`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goal_assistances,0)) AS `goalAssistances`, SUM(IF(gps.id IS NOT NULL,gps.goals,0)) AS `goals`, SUM(IF(ga.id IS NOT NULL,1,0)) AS `gameAlignment`, COUNT(*) AS convocatory FROM game g INNER JOIN convocatoria c ON g.id = c.game_id INNER JOIN convocatoria_player cp ON c.id = cp.convocatoria_id AND cp.player_id = :player_id AND cp.is_active = 1 LEFT JOIN game_player_statistics gps ON g.id = gps.game_id AND gps.seasonplayer_id = :seasonplayer_id LEFT JOIN game_alignment ga ON ga.id = g.alignment_id AND ga.alignment LIKE :alignment WHERE g.id = :game_id AND g.deleted_at IS NULL
[ "player_id" => 36310 "seasonplayer_id" => 117144 "alignment" => "%"id":36310%" "game_id" => 35608 ] |
147 | 0.44 ms |
SELECT t0.player_id AS player_id_1, t0.convocatoria_id AS convocatoria_id_2, t0.is_active AS is_active_3, t0.justification_type_id AS justification_type_id_4 FROM convocatoria_player t0 WHERE t0.player_id = ? AND t0.convocatoria_id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 36310 21024 ] |
Database Connections
Name | Service |
default | doctrine.dbal.default_connection |
Entity Managers
Name | Service |
default | doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager |
Second Level Cache
Second Level Cache is not enabled.
Entities Mapping
Class | Mapping errors |
App\Entity\Customer |
App\Entity\Country | No errors. |
App\Entity\Season | No errors. |
App\Entity\Suggestion | No errors. |
App\Entity\CouponCustomer | No errors. |
App\Entity\Notification | No errors. |
App\Entity\ExerciseQualification |
App\Entity\Strategy | No errors. |
App\Entity\Player |
App\Entity\Team |
App\Entity\SeasonPlayer |
App\Entity\Game |
App\Entity\TrainingAsist | No errors. |
App\Entity\ExerciseCalendar |
App\Entity\PlayerJustification | No errors. |
App\Entity\Locality | No errors. |
App\Entity\Convocatoria |
App\Entity\Competition | No errors. |
App\Entity\GameAlignment |
App\Entity\Difficulty | No errors. |
App\Entity\Minutes | No errors. |
App\Entity\KilometersTraveled | No errors. |
App\Entity\ShotsOnGoal | No errors. |
App\Entity\GamePlayerStatistics | No errors. |
App\Entity\ConvocatoriaPlayer | No errors. |
App\Entity\PlayerWeight |
App\Entity\PlayerSportsInjuries | No errors. |
App\Entity\Position | No errors. |
App\Entity\PositionTranslation | No errors. |
App\Entity\JustificationType | No errors. |