Log Messages

Info. & Errors 1

Informational and error log messages generated during the execution of the application.

Level Channel Message
INFO request Matched route
  "route" => "api_country_list"
  "route_parameters" => [
    "_route" => "api_country_list"
    "_controller" => "App\Controller\Api\CountryController::listCountry"
  "request_uri" => ""
  "method" => "POST"

Deprecations 0

Log messages generated by using features marked as deprecated.

There are no log messages about deprecated features.

Debug 0

Unimportant log messages generated during the execution of the application.

There are no log messages of this level.

PHP Notices 0

Log messages generated by PHP notices silenced with the @ operator.

There are no log messages of this level.

Container 0

Log messages generated during the compilation of the service container.

There are no compiler log messages.